Learning Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Learning”.

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Double loop simulation version of  IM-8908  Based on  1990 SDR Article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship bet
Double loop simulation version of IM-8908 Based on 1990 SDR Article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't predict the consequences of behavior. These consequences are maintained despite disturbances. See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also IM-9273 for DLL LAIR model
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
 Sources of Policy Resistance. From  article  Sterman, John D.   Learning from Evidence in a Complex World  Am J Public Health 2006 96: 505-514. See also  fighting complexity  IM-1955

Sources of Policy Resistance. From article Sterman, John D.  Learning from Evidence in a Complex World Am J Public Health 2006 96: 505-514. See also fighting complexity IM-1955

 Simple rich picture causal loop diagram of single and double loop learning including experiential learning concepts. Launchpad for Learning

Simple rich picture causal loop diagram of single and double loop learning including experiential learning concepts. Launchpad for Learning

Based on Chris Argyris 2010  Book Organizational Traps  Oxford University Press, built around  Insight 619  on single and double loop learning
Based on Chris Argyris 2010 Book Organizational Traps Oxford University Press, built around Insight 619 on single and double loop learning
From Schluter et al 2017  article  A framework for mapping and comparing behavioural theories in models of social-ecological systems COMSeS2017  video .   See also Balke and Gilbert 2014 JASSS  article  How do agents make decisions? (recommended by Kurt Kreuger U of S)
From Schluter et al 2017 article A framework for mapping and comparing behavioural theories in models of social-ecological systems COMSeS2017 video. See also Balke and Gilbert 2014 JASSS article How do agents make decisions? (recommended by Kurt Kreuger U of S)
 Simple rich picture causal loop diagram of single and double loop learning. See Individual Learning  IM-616

Simple rich picture causal loop diagram of single and double loop learning. See Individual Learning IM-616

WIP Addition of  Emotion Regulation IM  to Clone of  IM-9007  Double loop version of  IM-8908  Based on  1990 SDR Article .  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also  IM-9273  for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at
WIP Addition of Emotion Regulation IM to Clone of IM-9007 Double loop version of IM-8908 Based on 1990 SDR Article.  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also IM-9273 for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at IM-51900
 From Stewart Brand see Wikipedia Also called Shearing Layers

From Stewart Brand see Wikipedia Also called Shearing Layers

 Nested multilevel inquiry across multiple levels of organization of biology concepts. Adapted from Knippels (2002) PhD Thesis at http://bit.ly/GGcKo1 . Note the similarity to the nested adaptive cycles of socio-ecological systems in IM 1169

Nested multilevel inquiry across multiple levels of organization of biology concepts. Adapted from Knippels (2002) PhD Thesis at http://bit.ly/GGcKo1 . Note the similarity to the nested adaptive cycles of socio-ecological systems in IM 1169

 Replaced by Map at  IM-1918  WIP Clone of IM-752 This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman with Intent Act Effect and Mental models added to show doubl

Replaced by Map at IM-1918 WIP Clone of IM-752 This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman with Intent Act Effect and Mental models added to show double loop learning IM-619 with IM-897 and IM-1897 ideas. http://bit.ly/jCXGKL Replaced by PCT view at IM-9273

A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
Summary of Thorstein Veblen's 1916 Book The Higher Learning in America  pdf
Summary of Thorstein Veblen's 1916 Book The Higher Learning in America pdf
A starter on human service delivery derived from  IM-621  to introduce the more complex  IM-731  generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insig
A starter on human service delivery derived from IM-621 to introduce the more complex IM-731 generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
 Technology learning curve calculations see  IM-614  for wider technology and healthcare costs context

Technology learning curve calculations see IM-614 for wider technology and healthcare costs context

From A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions Edmund D Pellegrino David C Thomasma OUP Oxford 1981 Ch6  The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments  p119-152 Note judgments have consequences of action, decisions can separate out the knowledge used.  Se
From A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions Edmund D Pellegrino David C Thomasma OUP Oxford 1981 Ch6 The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments p119-152 Note judgments have consequences of action, decisions can separate out the knowledge used. 
See also Thinking Like a Nurse IM-703 and Ladder of Inference Assumptions IM-351 and IM-50413 to show diagnostic detail