Metaphor Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Metaphor”.

 A Launchpad for Applied Social Work Theory Metaphors and Connections see  review .Adapted from Table 14.3 p563 and Table 14.4 p564 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007),  Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice   Thomson

A Launchpad for Applied Social Work Theory Metaphors and Connections see review.Adapted from Table 14.3 p563 and Table 14.4 p564 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007), Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice  Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-94 Jackson book CST and healthcare video added in 2024

4 months ago
Detail from Emery Roe's  When Complex is as Simple as it gets..Insight  and Hans Blumenberg’s 1997 Shipwreck with Spectator: Paradigm
of a Metaphor for Existence.  essay
Detail from Emery Roe's When Complex is as Simple as it gets..Insight and Hans Blumenberg’s 1997 Shipwreck with Spectator: Paradigm of a Metaphor for Existence. essay
3 months ago
Unfolding story based on Kurt Kreuger's Systems Science Workshop using a 2009 bmj  article , and Ted Marmor's book  chapter  informed by Emery Roe's recasting using analogy  Insight
Unfolding story based on Kurt Kreuger's Systems Science Workshop using a 2009 bmj article, and Ted Marmor's book chapter informed by Emery Roe's recasting using analogy Insight