From Hieronymi's 2013 Systems Research Paper Understanding Systems Science. Systems Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies IM-17952
The Exponential Growth Archetype is a reinforcing structure which promotes exponential growth.( This is one of the few foundation archetypes., the others being the growth structure and independent growth at insight foundation trilogy. separated out so one could work with it in isolation. See also Archetypes. Video * Trilogy );
From Hieronymi's 2013 Systems Research Paper Understanding Systems Science. Systems Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies IM-17952
The goal seeking structure endeavors to bring a balance between a current state and a desired state. This is one of the few foundation archetypes., the others being the growth structure and independent growth at insight foundation trilogy. See also kumu Archetypes.
From Hieronymi's 2013 Systems Research Paper Understanding Systems Science. Systems Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies IM-17952
WIP Merging of IM-78725 Population Health Science Book Perspective with AMA Medical Education Perspective in Skochelak Health Systems Science Book. See also George Mobus Principles of Systems Science Book IM
From Hieronymi's 2013 Systems Research Paper Understanding Systems Science. Systems Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies IM-17952
Clone of Gene Bellinger's simulation insight ( This is one of the few foundation archetypes., the others being the growth structure and independent growth at insight foundation trilogy. separated out so one could work with it in isolation. See also Archetypes. Video * Trilogy ); Health examples relevant to the audience are in the notes (which may be changed)
Based on Emery Roe (2023) When Complex is as Simple as it Gets: Guide for Recasting Policy and Management in the Anthropocene, IDS Working Paper 589, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies and blog
WIP Clone of Gene Bellinger's insight with potential additions for health, including notes with health examples, and links among the trilogy which may look similar to PCT Double loop learning insight simulation With linear growth the Goal that is being sought
WIP A launchpad for insights relevant to systems science for mental health policy and practice (including suicide, addiction, psychology and personality) See also a more general systems science insight launchpad