Rich picture version of Causal loop diagram based on Jack  Homer's paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62 See  IM-333  for the Simulation model and  IM-2178  for a related Causal Loop Diagram of Project Turnover 

Rich picture version of Causal loop diagram based on Jack  Homer's paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62 See IM-333 for the Simulation model and IM-2178 for a related Causal Loop Diagram of Project Turnover


 Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62. See  IM-641  for the Causal loop diagram

Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62. See IM-641 for the Causal loop diagram

 From Rudolph JW Morrison JB and Carroll JS (2009) The Dynamics of Action-Oriented Problem Solving: Linking Interpretation and Choice. Academy of Management Review 34 (4) p733-756  Available online  . This paper won the Forrester Award for 2012 and the  presentation talk video  is available. The pre

From Rudolph JW Morrison JB and Carroll JS (2009) The Dynamics of Action-Oriented Problem Solving: Linking Interpretation and Choice. Academy of Management Review 34 (4) p733-756 Available online . This paper won the Forrester Award for 2012 and the presentation talk video is available. The presentation  paper abstract is available in System Dynamics Review 2013 here

 From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery , by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov  Paper  from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference  paper   Could be extended by adding dynamics described in  going solid insight
From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery, by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov Paper from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference paper  Could be extended by adding dynamics described in going solid insight
 Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43  paper

Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43 paper

3 6 days ago
 Jenny W. Rudolph Nelson P.Repenning Disaster Dynamics: Understanding the Role of Quantity in Organizational Collapse Administrative Science Quarterly,47(2002):1-30  paper     

Jenny W. Rudolph Nelson P.Repenning Disaster Dynamics: Understanding the Role of Quantity in Organizational Collapse Administrative Science Quarterly,47(2002):1-30 paper  

Organization science 2014  article  by anderson and lewis which won the 2018 ​Forrester award from the system dynamics society. Can add simulation experiments in separate insight using article and supplement
Organization science 2014 article by anderson and lewis which won the 2018 ​Forrester award from the system dynamics society. Can add simulation experiments in separate insight using article and supplement
 Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2009) 94 5 p1000–1018

Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2009) 94 5 p1000–1018 More detailed part of Insight 1074

 Causal loop diagram based on Jack  Homer's  Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control See  IM-333  for simulation model and IM-641 for  Rich Picture CLD  
 System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62 

Causal loop diagram based on Jack  Homer's  Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control See IM-333 for simulation model and IM-641 for Rich Picture CLD

System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62


 The term 'work' has been  used in this model in the sense of economic activity to include not only
work done by people but also by machines. The model shows 8 positive
feedback loops that reinforce work and the need to work. From the perspective of physics, civilisation can be described as a MACHAN

The term 'work' has been  used in this model in the sense of economic activity to include not only work done by people but also by machines. The model shows 8 positive feedback loops that reinforce work and the need to work. From the perspective of physics, civilisation can be described as a MACHANISM FOR USING ENERGY AND DOING WORK.  

Work, however, has some unavoidable consequences. The second law of thermodynamics tells us that any ‘work’ requires the use of energy and that DOING WORK entails the generation of WASTE HEAT. The laws of physics also tell us that CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels will cause global warming. These unintended and unavoidable consequences are highlighted in the model by prominent arrows.

Can the structure of this system be changed to avoid a foreseeable collapse of civilisation?

Simple goal-seeking loop for employment.
Simple goal-seeking loop for employment.
Stock Flow Map of MIT SDM  Seminar  Presentation on Improving an Eye Clinic in India. Compare with Service  work pressure insight  CLS Extended to include time pressures within the clinical encounter  insight  
Stock Flow Map of MIT SDM Seminar Presentation on Improving an Eye Clinic in India. Compare with Service work pressure insight CLS
Extended to include time pressures within the clinical encounter insight 
 From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery , by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov  Paper  from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference  paper   Could be extended by adding dynamics described in  going solid insight
From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery, by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov Paper from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference paper  Could be extended by adding dynamics described in going solid insight
 From Rudolph JW Morrison JB and Carroll JS (2009) The Dynamics of Action-Oriented Problem Solving: Linking Interpretation and Choice. Academy of Management Review 34 (4) p733-756  Available online  . This paper won the Forrester Award for 2012 and the  presentation talk video  is available. The pre

From Rudolph JW Morrison JB and Carroll JS (2009) The Dynamics of Action-Oriented Problem Solving: Linking Interpretation and Choice. Academy of Management Review 34 (4) p733-756 Available online . This paper won the Forrester Award for 2012 and the presentation talk video is available. The presentation  paper abstract is available in System Dynamics Review 2013 here

 Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62. See  IM-641  for the Causal loop diagram

Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62. See IM-641 for the Causal loop diagram

 Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43  paper

Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43 paper

 From Rudolph JW Morrison JB and Carroll JS (2009) The Dynamics of Action-Oriented Problem Solving: Linking Interpretation and Choice. Academy of Management Review 34 (4) p733-756  Available online  . This paper won the Forrester Award for 2012 and the  presentation talk video  is available. The pre

From Rudolph JW Morrison JB and Carroll JS (2009) The Dynamics of Action-Oriented Problem Solving: Linking Interpretation and Choice. Academy of Management Review 34 (4) p733-756 Available online . This paper won the Forrester Award for 2012 and the presentation talk video is available. The presentation  paper abstract is available in System Dynamics Review 2013 here

 Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62. See  IM-641  for the Causal loop diagram

Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62. See IM-641 for the Causal loop diagram