Extension of  IM-7981  with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382

 Simulation model version of  IM-398  CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-8862 .For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Simulation model version of IM-398 CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-8862.For backlog and services see IM-8382

 Extension of  IM-14144  with ward outliers as a prelude to a modular ward dynamics framework. Should include ideas in  IM-1008  For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Extension of IM-14144 with ward outliers as a prelude to a modular ward dynamics framework. Should include ideas in IM-1008 For backlog and services see IM-8382

WIP Patient Flow improvement strategies for a City Hospital with 3 years historical data and two year planning horizon. Built after a Generic Teaching Hospital Model  IM-10346  A simplified stock flow map is at  IM-399
WIP Patient Flow improvement strategies for a City Hospital with 3 years historical data and two year planning horizon. Built after a Generic Teaching Hospital Model IM-10346 A simplified stock flow map is at IM-399
Unfolding WIP of Eric Wolstenholme's explanation of hospital congestion from March 2022 Youtube  video  and online stella  presentation . Use of cascading interlinked archetypes. See Kumu  version ,   early discharge boundaries IM  for an earlier version and  Generic Archetypes IM  from Gene and  Si
Unfolding WIP of Eric Wolstenholme's explanation of hospital congestion from March 2022 Youtube video and online stella presentation. Use of cascading interlinked archetypes. See Kumu version,  early discharge boundaries IM for an earlier version and Generic Archetypes IM from Gene and Simpler Version IM
5 months ago
Two stock hospital model of planned admissions with bed capacity adjustment Fig 3.8 from  2019 book  by Eric Wolstenholme and Doug McKelvie. See also  Online interactive stella architect models  website
Two stock hospital model of planned admissions with bed capacity adjustment Fig 3.8 from 2019 book by Eric Wolstenholme and Doug McKelvie. See also  Online interactive stella architect models website
2 months ago
Clone of  IM-10714  WIP for LHN Individual Hospital O Month of October 2013, to which insights of IM-11079 and IM-7981 are being added here
Clone of IM-10714 WIP for LHN Individual Hospital O Month of October 2013, to which insights of IM-11079 and IM-7981 are being added here
WIP for LHN Individual Hospital O Month of October 2013 linking monthly NWAUs and same and overnight activities from ED and Elective Surgery (ES)
WIP for LHN Individual Hospital O Month of October 2013 linking monthly NWAUs and same and overnight activities from ED and Elective Surgery (ES)
 Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From 
 Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency

Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From

Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department.  Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682 

See IM-7981 for Simulation Model

WIP Variables in Report for conversion into what-if stock flow simulation for the next week.
WIP Variables in Report for conversion into what-if stock flow simulation for the next week.
 Extension of  IM-7981  with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382

 Extension of  IM-7981  with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382

WIP Patient Flow improvement strategies for a City Hospital with 3 years historical data and two year planning horizon. Built after a Generic Teaching Hospital Model  IM-10346  A simplified stock flow map is at  IM-399
WIP Patient Flow improvement strategies for a City Hospital with 3 years historical data and two year planning horizon. Built after a Generic Teaching Hospital Model IM-10346 A simplified stock flow map is at IM-399
 Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From 
 Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency

Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From

Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department.  Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682 

See IM-7981 for Simulation Model

 Extension of  IM-7981  with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382

 Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From 
 Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency

Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From

Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department.  Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682 

See IM-7981 for Simulation Model

 Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From 
 Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency

Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From

Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department.  Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682 

See IM-7981 for Simulation Model

 A general stock flow map of flows between hospital and the community, with more detail for hospital inpatient flows. An expanded version of  IM-622

A general stock flow map of flows between hospital and the community, with more detail for hospital inpatient flows. An expanded version of IM-622

The process of admitting people into AE
The process of admitting people into AE
WIP for regional integration based on NHPA and IHPA activities in Australia built on clone of  IM-10198  and will need to also focus on Elective Emergency Interactions Models esp Simple Simulation  IM-7981
WIP for regional integration based on NHPA and IHPA activities in Australia built on clone of IM-10198 and will need to also focus on Elective Emergency Interactions Models esp Simple Simulation IM-7981
 Simulation model version of  IM-398  CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter.  For discharge dynamics see  IM-14124 . For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For

Simulation model version of IM-398 CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter.  For discharge dynamics see IM-14124. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382