alienation Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “alienation”.

  Etienne Crouche-McDonald's Youth Alienation in Bourke Model    Assignment #3: Complex Systems       About the Model   The purpose of this model is to show how police and community spending effect engagement levels and crime for the youth within Bourke and how it affects their adult life.      Stoc
Etienne Crouche-McDonald's Youth Alienation in Bourke Model
Assignment #3: Complex Systems

About the Model
The purpose of this model is to show how police and community spending effect engagement levels and crime for the youth within Bourke and how it affects their adult life.

Bourke Youth
The initial population of the youth within Bourke. 
The latest population figures show Bourke has a poulation of close to 3000, with 35% of them being below 24yrs old, so for this model i have assumed an initial youth population of 1000.
All other variables have an initial value of 0.
Engaged Youth
Youth within Bourke who are engaged with the community and at a low risk of commiting crime.
Alienated Youth
Youth within the community who feel alienated and therefore at a higher risk of commiting crime.
Jailed Youth
Youth who have been incarcerated.
Released Youth
Those who have been released from jail.
Engaged Adults
Those who have grown up to become adults who are at a low risk of commiting crime.
Disengaged Adults
Those who have grown up to become adults at a high risk of commiting crime.

Police Spending
This is how much funding the police department is recieving. The user is able to adjust this with the slider below.
Its affect on Jailed Youth and Released Youth becomes stronger as the number of Jailed Youth increases.
Community Spending
This is how much funding is going into community programs. The user is able to adjust this with the slider below.
Its effect on Engaged Youth becomes stronger as the number of Engaged Youth increases.
This is the rate of births which i have assumed to be 100 per year. This is fixed so there is a constant flow into Bourke Youth.
This is the rate at which the youth ages out of the youth category. I have set this as a constant. 
- 10% of Engaged youth age out every year.
- 5% of Alienated and Jailed youth age out every year.

Interesting Results
1. Set both sliders to 1 and it will more disengaged adults than engaged.
2. Set both sliders to 0.5 and it will show more engaged adults than disengaged

This Model showcases the interplay between the Youth and Crime in Bourke with a monopoly of contributing factors. The Groups and factors are explained in depth below.  With a total population of 3000 the the total youth population is estimated to 2000.        Youth:  Initialing this encompasses 2000
This Model showcases the interplay between the Youth and Crime in Bourke with a monopoly of contributing factors.
The Groups and factors are explained in depth below.
With a total population of 3000 the the total youth population is estimated to 2000.

Youth: Initialing this encompasses 2000 individuals aged 15-25 years that are currently living in Bourke.
Crime: this denotes the number of youth involved in crime
Conviction: this includes youth that have been caught after committing a crime.
Youth in detention: the number of youth that have been detained for a period of time after being convicted of a crime.
Community program involvement: The number of youth that participate in community programs.

FACTORS (affecting the groups above)
Crime Rate: the rate at which youth commit a crime, this variable based upon 'alienation'.
Caught: the ratio of youth committing crime are caught. This is variable based upon the 'policing expenditure'
Alienation: a ratio reflecting the division between Bourke's youth and law enforcement. This variable is based upon the level of policing expenditure and community program expenditure.
Policing Expenditure: The respective amount of money (000's of dollars) allocated to tackle youth crime.
min: 5 ($5,000)
max: 50 ($50,000)

Community Program Expenditure: The respective amount of money (000's of dollars) allocated running community programs aimed to help Bourke's youth population.
min: 0 ($0)
max: 40 ($40,000)

By adjusting the policing and community program expenditure parameters using the sliders shows fluctuations between the groups. For example, by increasing policing expenditure will increase alienation, subsequently the crime rate will increase. Furthermore an increase in the proportion of youth committing crime that are caught, subsequently increasing the youth being convicted and in detention.
On the other using the slider to increase the expenditure on community programs, will see increase in the the number of youth involved in the programs. Also the level of alienation will decrease and subsequently reflecting in a reduced crime rate.

Time variable used in this model is Months. This is shown in the relative simulations.