fossil-fuel Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “fossil-fuel”.

The global economy revolves around the burning of fossil fuels to supply energy. To reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, there is a need to evaluate policies where demand for energy can be reduced or substituted with cleaner sources of energy.  This simple model illustrates the use of system d
The global economy revolves around the burning of fossil fuels to supply energy. To reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, there is a need to evaluate policies where demand for energy can be reduced or substituted with cleaner sources of energy. 
This simple model illustrates the use of system dynamics models to simulate interactions between the energy and climate system.

This model is built for WK2 of CHNS class @NTU Singapore. 
Production of fossil fuel vehicles increase as companies see profit in it and there is an available resource for consumption. However, since the raw material from the underground reserves are non-renewable, the continuous mining will deplete it and eventually, it will start to run out. Fossil fuel v
Production of fossil fuel vehicles increase as companies see profit in it and there is an available resource for consumption. However, since the raw material from the underground reserves are non-renewable, the continuous mining will deplete it and eventually, it will start to run out. Fossil fuel vehicles are reduced because of new alternatives created through successful invention.
화석 연료 사용 화석 연료 소비량 대기,해양 오염 사용 가능한 화석 연료 화석 연료비 
화석 연료 사용 화석 연료 소비량 대기,해양 오염 사용 가능한 화석 연료 화석 연료비 
The global economy revolves around the burning of fossil fuels to supply energy. To reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, there is a need to evaluate policies where demand for energy can be reduced or substituted with cleaner sources of energy.  This simple model illustrates the use of system d
The global economy revolves around the burning of fossil fuels to supply energy. To reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, there is a need to evaluate policies where demand for energy can be reduced or substituted with cleaner sources of energy. 
This simple model illustrates the use of system dynamics models to simulate interactions between the energy and climate system.

This model is built for WK2 of CHNS class @NTU Singapore. 
11 months ago
The global economy revolves around the burning of fossil fuels to supply energy. To reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, there is a need to evaluate policies where demand for energy can be reduced or substituted with cleaner sources of energy.  This simple model illustrates the use of system d
The global economy revolves around the burning of fossil fuels to supply energy. To reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, there is a need to evaluate policies where demand for energy can be reduced or substituted with cleaner sources of energy. 
This simple model illustrates the use of system dynamics models to simulate interactions between the energy and climate system.

This model is built for WK2 of CHNS class @NTU Singapore. 
2 months ago