Dynamics of Emergency Room Crowding with treatment spaces. Here we investigate the effect of constrained spaces and ignore any changes in treatment time or staffing effects. Many of the consequences occur before treatment with potential arrivals being turned away and arrivals leaving without being treated.
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data. ED completion rate may be better as a converter.
Dynamics of Emergency Department Crowding Initial Simplest Simulation of the View from the waiting room. Start of a simple introductory series which proceeds to IM-338 A simple CLD is at IM-340
Rich picture version of published simple model representation described as a capacitated processing model, modified to separate Patient Flow from workflow.
A work in progress model for ED daily average flows based on reported statistics by triage category with all triage categories aggregated See IM-663 for a more annotated version
Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382
Simulation model version of IM-398 CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-8862.For backlog and services see IM-8382
Click +View Story on Bottom Left to unfold his wide view of Emergency care patient flows IM-6072 used as context to add confounders and potential indirect effects. See also IM-1010 for hospital fixes that fail, wiki for general Systems Archetypes and wiki for Leverage Points (There is also a health leverage points WIP wiki page)
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in IM-12414. The Master Version of this, with the story added is at IM-11936
Simulation model of the WIP Conceptual map IM-7671 of initial scope of the effects of the ED 4 hour rule based on June WA Teleconference and IM-8221. See also the conceptual maps of addition of indirect effects at IM-7775 and the potential wider context map in IM-6167
Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From
Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682
Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in IM-12414. This insight IM-11936 is the Master Version with the story added. The previous running model, now without a story, is at IM-11079
Simulation model of the WIP Conceptual map IM-7671 of initial scope of the effects of the ED 4 hour rule based on June WA Teleconference and IM-8221. See also the conceptual maps of addition of indirect effects at IM-7775 and the potential wider context map in IM-6167
Backup of IM-11079 before shared editing for merging storytelling. Simplest ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 1 ED area rather than 2 in IM-10571. Currently runs over a weekend and calibrated roughly to Weekend Data.Ward net discharges are extended in IM-12414
Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382
Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382