Kidney Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Kidney”.

 Part of Urea Kinetic model for Clearance Experiments

Part of Urea Kinetic model for Clearance Experiments

 Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: causal loop diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant model extended to Chronic Kidney Disease from MOTOHASHI and NISHI Int. J. Epidemiology1991; 20: 1032-1036

Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: causal loop diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant model extended to Chronic Kidney Disease from MOTOHASHI and NISHI Int. J. Epidemiology1991; 20: 1032-1036

 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

 Shows the causal loop diagram of the flow of organs from donors to recipients to explore places to improve the transplant rate

Shows the causal loop diagram of the flow of organs from donors to recipients to explore places to improve the transplant rate

 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

Shows the flow of organs from donors to recipients to explore places to improve the transplant rate
Shows the flow of organs from donors to recipients to explore places to improve the transplant rate
 Working model of Erythropoiesis and Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810   and Simpler Dosing Model at  IM-26182

Working model of Erythropoiesis and Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810  and Simpler Dosing Model at IM-26182

 Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: stock and flow and  CLD  (Forrester) diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant CLD im-317

Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: stock and flow and CLD (Forrester) diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant CLD im-317

 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

 Major stocks and flows of Erythropoiesis and Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers. See  Simulation Insight

Major stocks and flows of Erythropoiesis and Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers. See Simulation Insight

 Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: stock and flow and CLD (Forrester) diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant CLD im-317 with added CKD and Risk Factors

Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: stock and flow and CLD (Forrester) diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant CLD im-317 with added CKD and Risk Factors

 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

 Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: causal loop diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant model

Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: causal loop diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant model

WIP Map as a basis for a future simulation that extends IM-319 to include KPIs
WIP Map as a basis for a future simulation that extends IM-319 to include KPIs
BUilt on IM-12140 to illustrate Strategic (blue) Tactical (orange) and Operational (yellow) time scales of decisions affecting Regional Renal Services Performance, including Workforce. Also informed by IM-318 and IM-1003
BUilt on IM-12140 to illustrate Strategic (blue) Tactical (orange) and Operational (yellow) time scales of decisions affecting Regional Renal Services Performance, including Workforce. Also informed by IM-318 and IM-1003
 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

 Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: causal loop diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant model

Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: causal loop diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant model