This models the progressive decline of the ability for self-reliance and the growing dependence on outside help. ​Z508 p39-42 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel. Strong outside help causes a collapse of self-help capacity. Weak outside help produces a stable combination of wellbeing and self-help capac

This models the progressive decline of the ability for self-reliance and the growing dependence on outside help. ​Z508 p39-42 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel. Strong outside help causes a collapse of self-help capacity. Weak outside help produces a stable combination of wellbeing and self-help capacity.

Insight Maker model based on the Z415 System Zoo model originally developed in Vensim. Adaptation of this model. The adaptation involves adding sliders to improve interaction with the model. This model does not include findings of additional resource reserves. In that respect it is static.
Insight Maker model based on the Z415 System Zoo model originally developed in Vensim. Adaptation of this model. The adaptation involves adding sliders to improve interaction with the model.
This model does not include findings of additional resource reserves. In that respect it is static.
 System Zoo Z107 exercise 2: Infection dynamics, exercise 2 (a part of the population is immune to infection) from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel 
 This is my attempt at the problem, not necessarily correct!

System Zoo Z107 exercise 2: Infection dynamics, exercise 2 (a part of the population is immune to infection) from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

This is my attempt at the problem, not necessarily correct!

System Zoo Z108: Overloading a buffer from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel
System Zoo Z108: Overloading a buffer from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel
 System Zoo Z109: Logistic growth with constant harvest from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel 
 Exercise 6 simulates a whale poplutation with a minimum reproductive capacity

System Zoo Z109: Logistic growth with constant harvest from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

Exercise 6 simulates a whale poplutation with a minimum reproductive capacity

System Zoo Z107: Infection dynamics from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel
System Zoo Z107: Infection dynamics from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel
 System Zoo Z106: Simple population dynamics from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

System Zoo Z106: Simple population dynamics from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

 An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

Thanks to for this example of chaos, and the  transition  to chaos. "After running the default settings Bossel describes A=0.2, B=0.2, Initial Values X=0 Y=2 and Z=0 and varying C=2,3,4,5 shows period doubling and transition to chaotic
Thanks to
for this example of chaos, and the transition to chaos. "After running the default settings Bossel describes A=0.2, B=0.2, Initial Values X=0 Y=2 and Z=0 and varying C=2,3,4,5 shows period doubling and transition to chaotic behavior."

We're looking into environmental applications in our course, and how dramatically dynamics can change, based on a small change in parameters. Climate change "suffers" this chaotic behavior, we fear, and we're going to be "taken by surprise" when the dynamics changes on us suddenly....

Andy Long
 An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

 System Zoo Z404 Prey and two Predator Populations from Hartmut Bossel (2007) System Zoo 2 Simulation Models. Climate, Ecosystems, Resources     Often a single prey population is the source of food for several  competing predators (e.g. mice as prey of foxes and birds of prey)​. Here again a reliabl
System Zoo Z404 Prey and two Predator Populations from Hartmut Bossel (2007) System Zoo 2 Simulation Models. Climate, Ecosystems, Resources

Often a single prey population is the source of food for several  competing predators (e.g. mice as prey of foxes and birds of prey)​. Here again a reliable intuitive assessment of long-term development resulting from the particular system relationship is impossible. A simulation model can assist in recognizing development trends inherent in the system structure even if in reality a variety of other factors determine the development and may cause it to proceed on a somewhat different path.
 Acest model este adaptat după reprezentarea lui Harmut Bossel, în lucrarea  "System Zoo 3 Simulation Models, Economy, Society, Development."  Utilizarea modelului ne poate ajuta pentru a vizualiza evolutia populatiei pe grupe de varsta sau pentru a gestiona probleme cum ar fi ocuparea forței de mun
Acest model este adaptat după reprezentarea lui Harmut Bossel, în lucrarea  "System Zoo 3 Simulation Models, Economy, Society, Development."
Utilizarea modelului ne poate ajuta pentru a vizualiza evolutia populatiei pe grupe de varsta sau pentru a gestiona probleme cum ar fi ocuparea forței de muncă.
 System Zoo Z101: Single integration from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

System Zoo Z101: Single integration from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

 System Zoo Z110: Logistic growth with stock-dependent harvest from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

System Zoo Z110: Logistic growth with stock-dependent harvest from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

 An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

Bipolar II treatment modeling using Van der Pol-like oscillators.  In this simulation an afflicted individual with Bipolar II disorder is put to treatment after 20 months the calibration of the medicine or treatment he recieves is such that it simulates the natural cycles of a "normal being". You ca
Bipolar II treatment modeling using Van der Pol-like oscillators.

In this simulation an afflicted individual with Bipolar II disorder is put to treatment after 20 months the calibration of the medicine or treatment he recieves is such that it simulates the natural cycles of a "normal being". You can note by manipulating the parameters that sometimes too much treatment disrupts equilibria. Also note that in the state diagrams there are 2 limit cycles, the lower one being the healthiest as there are less changes.
 An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

 Exploring the conditions of permanent coexistence, rather than gradual disappearance of disadvantaged competitors. ​Z506 p32-35 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

Exploring the conditions of permanent coexistence, rather than gradual disappearance of disadvantaged competitors. ​Z506 p32-35 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

 An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

System Zoo Z418 - Sustainable Use of a renewable resource from Hartmut Bossel (2007) System Zoo 2 Simulation Models. Climate, Ecosystems, Resources
System Zoo Z418 - Sustainable Use of a renewable resource from Hartmut Bossel (2007) System Zoo 2 Simulation Models. Climate, Ecosystems, Resources

 An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

System Zoo Z418 - Sustainable Use of a renewable resource from Hartmut Bossel (2007) System Zoo 2 Simulation Models. Climate, Ecosystems, Resources
System Zoo Z418 - Sustainable Use of a renewable resource from Hartmut Bossel (2007) System Zoo 2 Simulation Models. Climate, Ecosystems, Resources

 An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

 System Zoo Z106: Simple population dynamics from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel

System Zoo Z106: Simple population dynamics from System Zoo 1 by Hartmut Bossel