Zombies Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Zombies”.

BMED 1300 - Problem #3 - Spring 2013    Problem Statement: Contain a zombie apocalypse that begins at Yerkes Primate center near Emory Medical Center. 
BMED 1300 - Problem #3 - Spring 2013

Problem Statement: Contain a zombie apocalypse that begins at Yerkes Primate center near Emory Medical Center. 
BMED 1300 - Problem #3 - Spring 2013    Problem Statement: Contain a zombie apocalypse that begins at Yerkes Primate center near Emory Medical Center. 
BMED 1300 - Problem #3 - Spring 2013

Problem Statement: Contain a zombie apocalypse that begins at Yerkes Primate center near Emory Medical Center. 
BMED 1300 - Problem #3 - Spring 2013    Problem Statement: Contain a zombie apocalypse that begins at Yerkes Primate center near Emory Medical Center. 
BMED 1300 - Problem #3 - Spring 2013

Problem Statement: Contain a zombie apocalypse that begins at Yerkes Primate center near Emory Medical Center. 
Model of spread of zombies in event of zombie apocalypse.
Model of spread of zombies in event of zombie apocalypse.
A flow based recreation of the base model presented in Munz et al 2009 using zombies to teach basic SIR epidemiology models
A flow based recreation of the base model presented in Munz et al 2009 using zombies to teach basic SIR epidemiology models
This model is for BME 1300, where we have to model an infectious disease, in this case, a zombie virus: Rage.
This model is for BME 1300, where we have to model an infectious disease, in this case, a zombie virus: Rage.
This model is for BME 1300, where we have to model an infectious disease, in this case, a zombie virus: Rage.
This model is for BME 1300, where we have to model an infectious disease, in this case, a zombie virus: Rage.
A normal zombie outbreak simulator! Future change will be added.  :]
A normal zombie outbreak simulator!
Future change will be added.
5 months ago