BCTD Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “BCTD”.

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 The model starts in 1900. In the year 2000 you get the chance to set a new emission target and nominal time to reach it. Your aim is to have atmospheric CO2 stabilize at about 400 ppmv in 2100.  From Sterman, John D. (2008)   Risk Communication on Climate:  Mental Models and Mass Balance .  Science
The model starts in 1900. In the year 2000 you get the chance to set a new emission target and nominal time to reach it. Your aim is to have atmospheric CO2 stabilize at about 400 ppmv in 2100.  From Sterman, John D. (2008)  Risk Communication on Climate:  Mental Models and Mass Balance.  Science 322 (24 October): 532-533.
When endeavoring to develop an understanding of the nature of something it is generally useful to create a model of some type to aid in surfacing that understanding.   Video   @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
When endeavoring to develop an understanding of the nature of something it is generally useful to create a model of some type to aid in surfacing that understanding.
10 months ago
Little Red Riding Hood walking through the woods to Grandma's house. How long will it take?
Little Red Riding Hood walking through the woods to Grandma's house. How long will it take?
Yesterday's actions are responsible for the world we experience today. And today's actions are responsible for the world that we will experience tomorrow. The "Creating the Future" model is intended to provide a better sense of the common process associated with the unexpected unfolding of the futur
Yesterday's actions are responsible for the world we experience today. And today's actions are responsible for the world that we will experience tomorrow. The "Creating the Future" model is intended to provide a better sense of the common process associated with the unexpected unfolding of the future..
 This common archetype of systems that include relapse or recidivism allows exploration of the unintended effects of increasing upstream capacity and swamping downstream capacity. The increase in the relapse rate eventually returns to swamp upstream capacity as well. A social welfare example, based

This common archetype of systems that include relapse or recidivism allows exploration of the unintended effects of increasing upstream capacity and swamping downstream capacity. The increase in the relapse rate eventually returns to swamp upstream capacity as well. A social welfare example, based on a TANF case study, from How Small System Dynamics Models Can Help the Policy Process. N. Ghaffarzadegan, J. Lyneis, GP Richardson. System Dynamics Review 27,1 (2011) 22-44 Conference version at http://bit.ly/HlxtZj


 The model starts in 1900. In the year 2000 you get the chance to set a new emission target and nominal time to reach it. Your aim is to have atmospheric CO2 stabilize at about 400 ppmv in 2100.  From Sterman, John D. (2008)   Risk Communication on Climate:  Mental Models and Mass Balance .  Science
The model starts in 1900. In the year 2000 you get the chance to set a new emission target and nominal time to reach it. Your aim is to have atmospheric CO2 stabilize at about 400 ppmv in 2100.  From Sterman, John D. (2008)  Risk Communication on Climate:  Mental Models and Mass Balance.  Science 322 (24 October): 532-533.
 This model is derived from the paper " Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement " by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman. See  Insight 752  for a causal loop version of this model.

This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman. See Insight 752 for a causal loop version of this model.

Simplest Innovation diffusion model from Sterman's Business Dynamics 
Ch 9
Simplest Innovation diffusion model from Sterman's Business Dynamics Ch 9
Consider the following "Sustaining the Forest" model intended to provide another example of how unexpected the behavior of a web of extended interactions can be.   Video   @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
Consider the following "Sustaining the Forest" model intended to provide another example of how unexpected the behavior of a web of extended interactions can be.
What do activities of these images have in common? @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
What do activities of these images have in common?
10 months ago
Consider the following "Sustaining the Forest" model intended to provide another example of how unexpected the behavior of a web of extended interactions can be.   Video    The Essence of And?    Facebook ,  LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
Consider the following "Sustaining the Forest" model intended to provide another example of how unexpected the behavior of a web of extended interactions can be.
The interaction of a population of Moose and Wolves.   Video   @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
The interaction of a population of Moose and Wolves.
While these pictures represent very different things there is a common essence. @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
While these pictures represent very different things there is a common essence.
There's actually more to filling a swimming pool with water than you might realize.
There's actually more to filling a swimming pool with water than you might realize.
Little Red Riding Hood walking through the woods to Grandma's house. How long will it take? @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
Little Red Riding Hood walking through the woods to Grandma's house. How long will it take?
 The model starts in 1900. In the year 2000 you get the chance to set a new emission target and nominal time to reach it. Your aim is to have atmospheric CO2 stabilize at about 400 ppmv in 2100.  From Sterman, John D. (2008)   Risk Communication on Climate:  Mental Models and Mass Balance .  Science
The model starts in 1900. In the year 2000 you get the chance to set a new emission target and nominal time to reach it. Your aim is to have atmospheric CO2 stabilize at about 400 ppmv in 2100.  From Sterman, John D. (2008)  Risk Communication on Climate:  Mental Models and Mass Balance.  Science 322 (24 October): 532-533.
The interaction of a population of Moose and Wolves.   Video   @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
The interaction of a population of Moose and Wolves.
Yesterday's actions are responsible for the world we experience today. And today's actions are responsible for the world that we will experience tomorrow. The "Creating the Future" model is intended to provide a better sense of the common process associated with the unexpected unfolding of the futur
Yesterday's actions are responsible for the world we experience today. And today's actions are responsible for the world that we will experience tomorrow. The "Creating the Future" model is intended to provide a better sense of the common process associated with the unexpected unfolding of the future..
Simplest Innovation diffusion model from Sterman's Business Dynamics 
Ch 9
Simplest Innovation diffusion model from Sterman's Business Dynamics Ch 9
Consider the following "Sustaining the Forest" model intended to provide another example of how unexpected the behavior of a web of extended interactions can be.   Video   @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
Consider the following "Sustaining the Forest" model intended to provide another example of how unexpected the behavior of a web of extended interactions can be.
The interaction of a population of Moose and Wolves.   Video   @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
The interaction of a population of Moose and Wolves.