System Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “System”.

A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also  Complex Decision Technologies IM  Interventions and leverage points added in  IM-1400  (complex!) 
A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM
Interventions and leverage points added in IM-1400 (complex!) 
 Here is a simple model of a Car Transmission System. It simulates how the engine interacts with the clutch/flywheel to the gear box and finally to the differential gears over 1000 fuel units.

Here is a simple model of a Car Transmission System. It simulates how the engine interacts with the clutch/flywheel to the gear box and finally to the differential gears over 1000 fuel units.

 Here is a simple model of a Car Transmission System. It simulates how the engine interacts with the clutch/flywheel to the gear box and finally to the differential gears over 1000 fuel units.

Here is a simple model of a Car Transmission System. It simulates how the engine interacts with the clutch/flywheel to the gear box and finally to the differential gears over 1000 fuel units.

Un proyecto debe entenderse como un sistema debido a que aun cuando existen muchos parámetros que pueden anticiparse, la realidad actual de los proyectos alerta sobre el mantenimiento de todas las conexiones alertas a cambios desde su raíz estratégica hasta su interacción con los actores involucrado
Un proyecto debe entenderse como un sistema debido a que aun cuando existen muchos parámetros que pueden anticiparse, la realidad actual de los proyectos alerta sobre el mantenimiento de todas las conexiones alertas a cambios desde su raíz estratégica hasta su interacción con los actores involucrados.
Perspective on the difference between Process and System. @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
Perspective on the difference between Process and System.
 From  Werner Ulrich 's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective.  Part 1 : OR as applied systems thinking.  Journal of the Operational Research Societ y advance online publication (14 December 2011). and  Part 2  :OR as argumentative practice.

From Werner Ulrich's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective. Part 1: OR as applied systems thinking. Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication (14 December 2011). and Part 2 :OR as argumentative practice.

Perspective on the difference between Process and System.
Perspective on the difference between Process and System.
Perspective on the difference between Process and System.
Perspective on the difference between Process and System.
A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also  Complex Decision Technologies IM  Interventions and leverage points added in  IM-1400  (complex!)
A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM
Interventions and leverage points added in IM-1400 (complex!)
El modelo intenta simular la circulación de automóviles que vienen a buscar estudiantees a nuestra escuela en el barrio de belgrano
El modelo intenta simular la circulación de automóviles que vienen a buscar estudiantees a nuestra escuela en el barrio de belgrano
Interaction between the energy sector and the climate system    Reference:
Interaction between the energy sector and the climate system

Replica del sistema alimentario propuesto por FAO en Organización  de las Naciones Unidas para la  Alimentación  y  la  Agricultura  (FAO)  y Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS). 2017.  Panorama  de  la Seguridad  Alimentaria y Nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe. Santiago.
Replica del sistema alimentario propuesto por FAO en Organización  de las Naciones Unidas para la  Alimentación  y  la  Agricultura  (FAO)  y Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS). 2017.  Panorama  de  la Seguridad  Alimentaria y Nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe. Santiago.
pattern machine specifying the 934DG + COSI program machine.
pattern machine specifying the 934DG + COSI program machine.
A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models.
A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models.