world Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “world”.

 The success of quantum field theory lies in its ability to quantify observables that go unnoticed by the naked eye.  The advantage of quantifying implicit or imperceptible systems, structures and even more ephemeral forms and relationships, cannot be denied. Neither ought its value be shortchanged.

The success of quantum field theory lies in its ability to quantify observables that go unnoticed by the naked eye.  The advantage of quantifying implicit or imperceptible systems, structures and even more ephemeral forms and relationships, cannot be denied. Neither ought its value be shortchanged.  

I have worked with Dr. Tom Adi closely and diligently for the greater part of my life (more than thirty years) to understand the implicit nature of meaning.  Thanks to Tom Adi (who shared his discoveries and insights with me) who spent years teaching me how to observe the world using the scientific method, I was able to sharpen my intuition.  

In the process of learning from him, and in the evolution of my own reflections, I discovered the natural and quantal relations of salience, relevance, resonance and resolution.  Here are some of my insights.

Teilmodell für Konsum. Parameter sind Konsumziel und Zuwachsrate.
Teilmodell für Konsum. Parameter sind Konsumziel und Zuwachsrate.
 Boxes: Blue= Country, Grey=Religious, Orange= Political/class, country group related, Purple=other. Links: Green=Mild Conflict Yellow=Medium Red=Severe. Only the groups with current conflicts are listed. Click on the links and some boxes for some addtional information about conflicts and groups.

Boxes: Blue= Country, Grey=Religious, Orange= Political/class, country group related, Purple=other. Links: Green=Mild Conflict Yellow=Medium Red=Severe. Only the groups with current conflicts are listed. Click on the links and some boxes for some addtional information about conflicts and groups.

Teilmodell für die Umweltbelastung mit den Parametern Schadstoffeintrag, Erholungsrate und Schadschwelle.
Teilmodell für die Umweltbelastung mit den Parametern Schadstoffeintrag, Erholungsrate und Schadschwelle.
Boxes: Blue= Country, Grey=Religious, Orange= Political/class, country group related, Purple=other.   
Green=Mild Conflict Yellow=Medium Red=Severe.
Only the groups with current conflicts are listed.

Click on the links and some boxes for some addtional information about conflicts and gr
Boxes: Blue= Country, Grey=Religious, Orange= Political/class, country group related, Purple=other. Links: Green=Mild Conflict Yellow=Medium Red=Severe. Only the groups with current conflicts are listed. Click on the links and some boxes for some addtional information about conflicts and groups.
Boxes: Blue= Country, Grey=Religious, Orange= Political/class, country group related, Purple=other.   
Green=Mild Conflict Yellow=Medium Red=Severe.
Only the groups with current conflicts are listed.

Click on the links and some boxes for some addtional information about conflicts and gr
Boxes: Blue= Country, Grey=Religious, Orange= Political/class, country group related, Purple=other. Links: Green=Mild Conflict Yellow=Medium Red=Severe. Only the groups with current conflicts are listed. Click on the links and some boxes for some addtional information about conflicts and groups.
Boxes: Blue= Country, Grey=Religious, Orange= Political/class, country group related, Purple=other.   
Green=Mild Conflict Yellow=Medium Red=Severe.
Only the groups with current conflicts are listed.

Click on the links and some boxes for some addtional information about conflicts and gr
Boxes: Blue= Country, Grey=Religious, Orange= Political/class, country group related, Purple=other. Links: Green=Mild Conflict Yellow=Medium Red=Severe. Only the groups with current conflicts are listed. Click on the links and some boxes for some addtional information about conflicts and groups.
Verkoppelung der drei Teilmodelle zu einem Gesamtmodell, der "Miniwelt" im Umfang von Bossel. Eine Modifikation besteht darin, dass ein hohes Konsumniveau wieder zu einer Absenkung der Geburten führt.
Verkoppelung der drei Teilmodelle zu einem Gesamtmodell, der "Miniwelt" im Umfang von Bossel.
Eine Modifikation besteht darin, dass ein hohes Konsumniveau wieder zu einer Absenkung der Geburten führt.
Verkoppelung der drei Teilmodelle zu einem Gesamtmodell, der "Miniwelt" im Umfang von Bossel.
Verkoppelung der drei Teilmodelle zu einem Gesamtmodell, der "Miniwelt" im Umfang von Bossel.