A spatially aware, agent based model of the spread of fear in a population through local contagion. Modified from a simple disease model. There are three states people can take based on: susceptible (Potentially Fearful), infected (Afraid), and recovered (Confident).  A very imperfect and laughably

A spatially aware, agent based model of the spread of fear in a population through local contagion. Modified from a simple disease model. There are three states people can take based on: susceptible (Potentially Fearful), infected (Afraid), and recovered (Confident).

A very imperfect and laughably sketchy simple start to pursue an unreasonably pompous proposal... https://metonymize.substack.com/p/what-anthropology-might-offer-ai

A random walk demonstration using an ABM. As individuals drink more they become more intoxicated and their walk becomes more random. And when they drink to much it finally kills them.    If you find these contributions meaningful your  sponsorship  would be greatly appreciated.
A random walk demonstration using an ABM. As individuals drink more they become more intoxicated and their walk becomes more random. And when they drink to much it finally kills them.

If you find these contributions meaningful your sponsorship would be greatly appreciated.
 A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

A Susceptible - Infected - Recovered disease as a stock and flow model for COVID.
A Susceptible - Infected - Recovered disease as a stock and flow model for COVID.
 A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).


 A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

 A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).

A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).

 A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

 A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

A recent article by a former Australian cricketer got me thinking about how Agent Based Models could help understand how bowlers and batsmen behave in cricket....      http://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2013/aug/20/ashes-glenn-mcgrath-england-australia       To try and keep things simple I've ass
A recent article by a former Australian cricketer got me thinking about how Agent Based Models could help understand how bowlers and batsmen behave in cricket.... 

To try and keep things simple I've assumed there are 4 bowlers and 4 batsmen.

There are 2 innings for each side in each game and 5 games in the series, therefore 10 innings for each bowler-batsman combination in the series.

In each innings I model, for each batsman, the following parameters:

- A baseline estimate for how likely each bowler is to get the batsman out in each innings (the baseline varies between batsmen, but is kept constant for each combination for each innings)
- Whether or not the bowler got the batsman out in this innings
- The number of times the bowler has got the batsman out in previous innings
 A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

 A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).

A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).

 A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).

A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).

 An implementation of the classic Game of Life using agent based modeling. Rules:   A live cell with less than two alive neighbors dies.  A live cell with more than three alive neighbors dies.  A dead cell with three neighbors becomes alive.

An implementation of the classic Game of Life using agent based modeling.

  • A live cell with less than two alive neighbors dies.
  • A live cell with more than three alive neighbors dies.
  • A dead cell with three neighbors becomes alive.
Demo of population growth with distinct agents.
Demo of population growth with distinct agents.
 A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.

 A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).

A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).

A random walk demonstration using an ABM. As individuals drink more they become more intoxicated and their walk becomes more random. And when they drink to much it finally kills them.
A random walk demonstration using an ABM. As individuals drink more they become more intoxicated and their walk becomes more random. And when they drink to much it finally kills them.