Climate Change Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Climate Change”.

Related tagsGreenhouse EffectClimate

 The purpose of this deer management model is to explore the capacity of wildlife management actions to help us adapt to the effects of climate change.

The purpose of this deer management model is to explore the capacity of wildlife management actions to help us adapt to the effects of climate change.

A very simple thermodynamic model of a planet, based on first order approximations of its (black body) radiation balance.
A very simple thermodynamic model of a planet, based on first order approximations of its (black body) radiation balance.
This stock and flow model takes into account the ice albedo feedback and wave breakup feedback loops, and shows how even tiny changes in the ocean's temperature can cause sea ice collapse. Data is fitted to begin with the sea ice volume level in 1979, when PIOMAS data begins; BOE generally occurs mi
This stock and flow model takes into account the ice albedo feedback and wave breakup feedback loops, and shows how even tiny changes in the ocean's temperature can cause sea ice collapse. Data is fitted to begin with the sea ice volume level in 1979, when PIOMAS data begins; BOE generally occurs mid-2020s to 2030s
last month
There is now substantial evidence that three unstoppable
reinforcing feedback systems that can only accelerate global warming have been
triggered in the Arctic. R2 illustrates a process whereby frozen methane
hydrate,  which exists in enormous quantities
on the seabed of the shallow Arctic Ocean she
There is now substantial evidence that three unstoppable reinforcing feedback systems that can only accelerate global warming have been triggered in the Arctic. R2 illustrates a process whereby frozen methane hydrate,  which exists in enormous quantities on the seabed of the shallow Arctic Ocean shelf, is breaking up as the ocean warms. This leads to methane gas, a greenhouse gas about 20 times more powerful than C02, bubbling up to the surface. R1 shows that as the ice cover of the ocean melts and shrinks, less sunlight is reflected back into space and more is absorbed by  the ocean, warming it as a consequence. The warmer ocean water and warmer air temperature will then melt more ice, but it will also break up more methane hydrates.   R3 describes a similar process where melting permafrost releases methane into the atmosphere, making the situation even worse. These processes are multiplicative, they reinforce each other.  Below are links to three articles that provide  evidence that this is going on now. Systems thinking tells us about reinforcing feedback loops and the associated exponential growth. Taking this and the evidence provided by the articles into account the conclusion clearly points to increasing and accelerated global warming. The recent Paris agreement on global warming may have come too late!

A model of the potential impact on the elderly population (75+ years) from heat stress, which is increased by climate change in the UK.
A model of the potential impact on the elderly population (75+ years) from heat stress, which is increased by climate change in the UK.
  Temperature Stress Mortality Simulator:  for the older (70+ years) population of Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole, UK, using the  UKCP09   SRES A1B Emission Scenario .
Temperature Stress Mortality Simulator: for the older (70+ years) population of Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole, UK, using the UKCP09 SRES A1B Emission Scenario.
10 months ago
Francis, in his recent encyclical on climate change, said that social movements
are critical in promoting action on global warming. This simple CLD shows how
the influence of climate-change movements could affect both public opinion and
the government. An important aspect is that the activism o
Pope Francis, in his recent encyclical on climate change, said that social movements are critical in promoting action on global warming. This simple CLD shows how the influence of climate-change movements could affect both public opinion and the government. An important aspect is that the activism of such movements will have a negative influence on the prestige of the fossil-fuel companies. This in turn will weaken their capacity to influence and to exert pressure on the government.  As the movements act, pressure on the government will increase but simultaneously the capacity of the fossil fuel industry to pressure  the government will decrease. As a result, the government will find it easier to push trough legislation to force fossil fuel companies to keep unburnable reserves in the ground. Climate change moments can contribute decisively to bring about urgently needed action on global warming
Simple stock model illustrating the relationship between increasing temperature and amount of rainforest loss per year
Simple stock model illustrating the relationship between increasing temperature and amount of rainforest loss per year
A very simple thermodynamic model of a planet, which includes first order approximations of its radiation balance (black bodies), including two radiations modulating effects i.e. albedo and green house and uses two heat storages (ocean and atmosphere). It is a lumped model which does not consider sp
A very simple thermodynamic model of a planet, which includes first order approximations of its radiation balance (black bodies), including two radiations modulating effects i.e. albedo and green house and uses two heat storages (ocean and atmosphere). It is a lumped model which does not consider spatial variations thus e.g. no heat exchange between equatorial and polar regions (lateral).
 A model of Global Climate Change driven by the impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Greenhouse Effect. This model contains a physical model of energy inflows ☀️ and outflows from the Earth ( primary source ). And a simple model of carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the atmosphere ( primary source ).
A model of Global Climate Change driven by the impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Greenhouse Effect. This model contains a physical model of energy inflows ☀️ and outflows from the Earth (primary source). And a simple model of carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the atmosphere (primary source).

The energy model assumes inflowing short-wave solar radiation that does not interact with the atmosphere. A fraction of this is reflected immediately (e.g. by snow and ice cover). The remaining is absorbed 🌎 and re-radiated as long-wave infrared which can be captured by the atmosphere ☁️. The fraction captured by the atmosphere is related to the level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.

This model tracks Carbon Dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels 🏭 and land use changes 🚜 (e.g. deforestation). It also tracks removal of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere into a land sink 🌲 (e.g. vegetation) and the an ocean sink 🏖.

🧪 Experiment with different levels of emissions to see their impact on global average temperatures. You can also compare predicted temperatures and Carbon Dioxide levels to historical data.
A model of the potential impact on the elderly population (75+ years) from heat stress, which is increased by climate change in the UK.
A model of the potential impact on the elderly population (75+ years) from heat stress, which is increased by climate change in the UK.
People, generally, do not seem to be conscious of, or care
about, the enormous dangers of climate change and even the possibility of a
devastating war in the Korean peninsula that could turn nuclear. They carry on
with their routine and banal conversations as if that was all that mattered. In
the 60
People, generally, do not seem to be conscious of, or care about, the enormous dangers of climate change and even the possibility of a devastating war in the Korean peninsula that could turn nuclear. They carry on with their routine and banal conversations as if that was all that mattered. In the 60s there were peace demonstration, there was more awareness and public engagement in the face of the thread of nuclear war. Could the pressures and demands of modern capitalism, now no longer tamed by a competing communist system that could potentially appear to be more attractive, be a causal factor? People caught up in the turmoil of a positive feedback loop rarely perceive reality beyond it. This simple CLD tries to illustrate the dynamic and feedback loops that could be responsible for this strange apathy and how our present day economic system could be blinding us to imminent danger.

A model of the potential impact on the elderly population (75+ years) from heat stress, which is increased by climate change in the UK.
A model of the potential impact on the elderly population (75+ years) from heat stress, which is increased by climate change in the UK.
A model of the potential impact on the elderly population (75+ years) from heat stress, which is increased by climate change in the UK.
A model of the potential impact on the elderly population (75+ years) from heat stress, which is increased by climate change in the UK.
 Feedbacks and Flows in an Energy-CO2-Economy System​
Feedbacks and Flows in an Energy-CO2-Economy System​

The 3-machines energy transition model is a global system dynamics model based on energy balances,  and used to explore the energy frontiers for stabilizing the Earth's climate. The model comprises a hypothetical fossil engine, a solar engine including energy storage, and a carbon scrubber. These ma
The 3-machines energy transition model is a global system dynamics model based on energy balances,  and used to explore the energy frontiers for stabilizing the Earth's climate. The model comprises a hypothetical fossil engine, a solar engine including energy storage, and a carbon scrubber. These machines interact with Earth's carbon cycle and satisfy humanity’s energy demand. A detailed description can be accessed here:
Market-led Sustainability is  a 'Fix-that-Fails' as is illustraited in this graph in a very simplified manner. Likely market-led initiatives would be investment in renewables, electric cars and the development of long-term battery storage as a back-up to renewable energy adn other initiatives. Howev
Market-led Sustainability is  a 'Fix-that-Fails' as is illustraited in this graph in a very simplified manner. Likely market-led initiatives would be investment in renewables, electric cars and the development of long-term battery storage as a back-up to renewable energy adn other initiatives. However, all of these make demands on the environmemt, requiring  resources, fossil fuels (solar cannot beused to built  solar) and will be accompanied by greenhouse gas emission. In the medium and long term  they will undermine the market-driven goal,  increasing  environmental and economic costs.  The whole enterprise will eventually fail.
 WIP Cloned from WIP  Africa Just Transition insight  including (Fig 3.1 from Jorgen Randers  book  2052 a Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years) with Fadhel Kaboub MMT Perspective to continue top down work on my slides of clds and macroeconomics

WIP Cloned from WIP Africa Just Transition insight including (Fig 3.1 from Jorgen Randers book 2052 a Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years) with Fadhel Kaboub MMT Perspective to continue top down work on my slides of clds and macroeconomics

4 months ago