Greenhouse Effect Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Greenhouse Effect”.

Related tagsClimateClimate Change

 A model of Global Climate Change driven by the impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Greenhouse Effect. This model contains a physical model of energy inflows ☀️ and outflows from the Earth ( primary source ). And a simple model of carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the atmosphere ( primary source ).
A model of Global Climate Change driven by the impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Greenhouse Effect. This model contains a physical model of energy inflows ☀️ and outflows from the Earth (primary source). And a simple model of carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the atmosphere (primary source).

The energy model assumes inflowing short-wave solar radiation that does not interact with the atmosphere. A fraction of this is reflected immediately (e.g. by snow and ice cover). The remaining is absorbed 🌎 and re-radiated as long-wave infrared which can be captured by the atmosphere ☁️. The fraction captured by the atmosphere is related to the level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.

This model tracks Carbon Dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels 🏭 and land use changes 🚜 (e.g. deforestation). It also tracks removal of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere into a land sink 🌲 (e.g. vegetation) and the an ocean sink 🏖.

🧪 Experiment with different levels of emissions to see their impact on global average temperatures. You can also compare predicted temperatures and Carbon Dioxide levels to historical data.
Modelling after Earth, this is a model of the  greenhouse effect  has in increasing the temperature. By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can is itself a positive feedback loop.
Modelling after Earth, this is a model of the greenhouse effect has in increasing the temperature. By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can is itself a positive feedback loop.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
 A model of Global Climate Change driven by the impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Greenhouse Effect. This model contains a physical model of energy inflows ☀️ and outflows from the Earth ( primary source ). And a simple model of carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the atmosphere ( primary source ).
A model of Global Climate Change driven by the impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Greenhouse Effect. This model contains a physical model of energy inflows ☀️ and outflows from the Earth (primary source). And a simple model of carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the atmosphere (primary source).

The energy model assumes inflowing short-wave solar radiation that does not interact with the atmosphere. A fraction of this is reflected immediately (e.g. by snow and ice cover). The remaining is absorbed 🌎 and re-radiated as long-wave infrared which can be captured by the atmosphere ☁️. The fraction captured by the atmosphere is related to the level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.

This model tracks Carbon Dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels 🏭 and land use changes 🚜 (e.g. deforestation). It also tracks removal of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere into a land sink 🌲 (e.g. vegetation) and the an ocean sink 🏖.

🧪 Experiment with different levels of emissions to see their impact on global average temperatures. You can also compare predicted temperatures and Carbon Dioxide levels to historical data.
 This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.     Step through the story at the bottom of t
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.

Step through the story at the bottom of this window.
140 3 weeks ago
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
 A model of Global Climate Change driven by the impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Greenhouse Effect. This model contains a physical model of energy inflows ☀️ and outflows from the Earth ( primary source ). And a simple model of carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the atmosphere ( primary source ).
A model of Global Climate Change driven by the impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Greenhouse Effect. This model contains a physical model of energy inflows ☀️ and outflows from the Earth (primary source). And a simple model of carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the atmosphere (primary source).

The energy model assumes inflowing short-wave solar radiation that does not interact with the atmosphere. A fraction of this is reflected immediately (e.g. by snow and ice cover). The remaining is absorbed 🌎 and re-radiated as long-wave infrared which can be captured by the atmosphere ☁️. The fraction captured by the atmosphere is related to the level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.

This model tracks Carbon Dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels 🏭 and land use changes 🚜 (e.g. deforestation). It also tracks removal of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere into a land sink 🌲 (e.g. vegetation) and the an ocean sink 🏖.

🧪 Experiment with different levels of emissions to see their impact on global average temperatures. You can also compare predicted temperatures and Carbon Dioxide levels to historical data.
Matt's revised version of the Aquaworld solar radiation insight.
Matt's revised version of the Aquaworld solar radiation insight.
  Questo modello di bilancio delle radiazioni emesse e assorbite mostra l'effetto serra che l'atmosfera può avere nel riscaldamento di un pianeta simile alla terra. Trattenendo parte della radiazione emessa dal pianeta, l'atmosfera può far sì che la superficie diventi più calda di quanto non sarebbe
Questo modello di bilancio delle radiazioni emesse e assorbite mostra l'effetto serra che l'atmosfera può avere nel riscaldamento di un pianeta simile alla terra. Trattenendo parte della radiazione emessa dal pianeta, l'atmosfera può far sì che la superficie diventi più calda di quanto non sarebbe altrimenti.

Passate attraverso la storia in fondo a questa finestra.
4 4 weeks ago
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
Modelling after Earth, this is a model of the  greenhouse effect  has in increasing the temperature. By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can is itself a positive feedback loop.
Modelling after Earth, this is a model of the greenhouse effect has in increasing the temperature. By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can is itself a positive feedback loop.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the  greenhouse effect  that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.
This simple radiation balance model shows the greenhouse effect that an atmosphere can have in warming a planet.  By trapping some of the radiation emitted by the planet the atmosphere can cause the surface to become warmer than it otherwise would be.