Project Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Project”.

Related tagsManagementEngineering

Tento model slouží jakožto simulace práce na projektu. Pomocí proměnných lze simulovat práci týmu, chybovost a hlavně to, jak dlouho bude projekt trvat
Tento model slouží jakožto simulace práce na projektu. Pomocí proměnných lze simulovat práci týmu, chybovost a hlavně to, jak dlouho bude projekt trvat
 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

 Rich picture causal loops unfolding version of Insight 714, Based on Lyneis JM and Ford DN System Dynamics Applied to Project Management Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 157-189 (2007)

Rich picture causal loops unfolding version of Insight 714, Based on Lyneis JM and Ford DN System Dynamics Applied to Project Management Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 157-189 (2007)

 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.)

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.)

 Dynamic system underlying project life cycles From Roberts Edward B The Dynamics of Research and Development p5 Harper & Row NY 1964

Dynamic system underlying project life cycles From Roberts Edward B The Dynamics of Research and Development p5 Harper & Row NY 1964

 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.)

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.)

From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds  paper  and  webpage
From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and webpage
New application support requirements with user usage increasing vs workload limitations.   Author: George Park
New application support requirements with user usage increasing vs workload limitations.

Author: George Park
 Rich picture causal loops unfolding version of Insight 714, Based on Lyneis JM and Ford DN System Dynamics Applied to Project Management Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 157-189 (2007)

Rich picture causal loops unfolding version of Insight 714, Based on Lyneis JM and Ford DN System Dynamics Applied to Project Management Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 157-189 (2007)

From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds  paper  and  webpage
From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and webpage
 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

last month
 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford). Here schedule pressure producing overtime is also added

 Project management in an ideal world. The project has a defined scope, work rate and runs according to the initial schedule. 
 Schedule pressure is constant until the project is completed.

Project management in an ideal world. The project has a defined scope, work rate and runs according to the initial schedule.

Schedule pressure is constant until the project is completed.

 Rich picture causal loops unfolding version of Insight 714, Based on Lyneis JM and Ford DN System Dynamics Applied to Project Management Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 157-189 (2007)

Rich picture causal loops unfolding version of Insight 714, Based on Lyneis JM and Ford DN System Dynamics Applied to Project Management Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 157-189 (2007)