Psychology Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Psychology”.

 Delusions, false
theories and ideas about the world, can be dangerous when acted upon.  I
would count as delusional beliefs, belief in 'creationism', 'market fundamentalism' and also the belief that 'climate change is not anthropogenic'.  The CLD
seeks to illustrate the dynamic that makes it diffic

Delusions, false theories and ideas about the world, can be dangerous when acted upon.  I would count as delusional beliefs, belief in 'creationism', 'market fundamentalism' and also the belief that 'climate change is not anthropogenic'.

The CLD seeks to illustrate the dynamic that makes it difficult, if not impossible, to disabuse holders of fanatical beliefs by simply using rational arguments and facts. The professor of psychology, Jerry Kroth, said that delusions can be seen as an incipient mental illness. He also said that 'repression' and 'denial' are by-products of delusions. It seems that rational arguments are useless when facts are simply denied: the dynamic shows that trying to refute a strongly held irrational belief merely strengthens it. 

Double loop simulation version of  IM-8908  Based on  1990 SDR Article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship bet
Double loop simulation version of IM-8908 Based on 1990 SDR Article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't predict the consequences of behavior. These consequences are maintained despite disturbances. See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also IM-9273 for DLL LAIR model
Unconscious affective dynamics From Epstein, Joshua M. (2014-02-23). Agent_Zero: Toward Neurocognitive Foundations for Generative Social Science (Princeton Studies in Complexity) (p. 37). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition Publisher  webpage
Unconscious affective dynamics From Epstein, Joshua M. (2014-02-23). Agent_Zero: Toward Neurocognitive Foundations for Generative Social Science (Princeton Studies in Complexity) (p. 37). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition Publisher webpage
Three Agent Model of  IM-13669 . Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book  webpage  
Three Agent Model of IM-13669. Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book webpage 

Three Agent Model of  IM-13669 . Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book  webpage   See spatial patches version  IM-15119    
Three Agent Model of IM-13669. Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book webpage 
See spatial patches version IM-15119
This diagram illustrates the behavioral cycle, which models the sequence of steps that people undergo when responding to situations. The diagram highlights potential risk factors that may lead to problematic behavioral patterns, and may be useful in identifying potential interventions for correcting
This diagram illustrates the behavioral cycle, which models the sequence of steps that people undergo when responding to situations. The diagram highlights potential risk factors that may lead to problematic behavioral patterns, and may be useful in identifying potential interventions for correcting them.

Disclaimer: this diagram reflects my personal life-practices and understandings and do not constitute professional medical advice.
Three Agent Model of  IM-14058  with Spatial awareness. Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book  webpage   Part II p.89 with spatial ABM
Three Agent Model of IM-14058 with Spatial awareness. Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book webpage  Part II p.89 with spatial ABM

The dynamics of antisocial behavior in adolescents coupled with aversive reactions (e.g. punishment, anger,...) by adults
The dynamics of antisocial behavior in adolescents coupled with aversive reactions (e.g. punishment, anger,...) by adults
Based on  1990 SDR Article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't pr
Based on 1990 SDR Article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't predict the consequences of behavior. These consequences are maintained despite disturbances. See IM-9007 for a double loop version
 Love affairs and Differential equations. From Michael J Radzicki (1993) Dyadic processes,tempestuous relationships, and system dynamics Syst. Dyn. Rev. 9 (1) :79-94 

Love affairs and Differential equations. From Michael J Radzicki (1993) Dyadic processes,tempestuous relationships, and system dynamics Syst. Dyn. Rev. 9 (1) :79-94 

WIP Addition of  Emotion Regulation IM  to Clone of  IM-9007  Double loop version of  IM-8908  Based on  1990 SDR Article .  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also  IM-9273  for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at
WIP Addition of Emotion Regulation IM to Clone of IM-9007 Double loop version of IM-8908 Based on 1990 SDR Article.  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also IM-9273 for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at IM-51900
Based on  1990 SDR Article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't pr
Based on 1990 SDR Article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't predict the consequences of behavior. These consequences are maintained despite disturbances. See IM-9007 for a double loop version
Based on  1990 SDR Article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't pr
Based on 1990 SDR Article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't predict the consequences of behavior. These consequences are maintained despite disturbances. See IM-9007 for a double loop version
Unconscious affective dynamics From Epstein, Joshua M. (2014-02-23). Agent_Zero: Toward Neurocognitive Foundations for Generative Social Science (Princeton Studies in Complexity) (p. 37). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition Publisher  webpage   See also Behaviorism insight  IM-7776   Next ste
Unconscious affective dynamics From Epstein, Joshua M. (2014-02-23). Agent_Zero: Toward Neurocognitive Foundations for Generative Social Science (Princeton Studies in Complexity) (p. 37). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition Publisher webpage 
See also Behaviorism insight IM-7776
Next step is a 3 Agent model at IM-14058
WIP Addition of  Emotion Regulation IM  to Clone of  IM-9007  Double loop version of  IM-8908  Based on  1990 SDR Article .  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also  IM-9273  for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at
WIP Addition of Emotion Regulation IM to Clone of IM-9007 Double loop version of IM-8908 Based on 1990 SDR Article.  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also IM-9273 for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at IM-51900
This diagram illustrates the behavioral cycle, which models the sequence of steps that people undergo when responding to situations. The diagram highlights potential risk factors that may lead to problematic behavioral patterns, and may be useful in identifying potential interventions for correcting
This diagram illustrates the behavioral cycle, which models the sequence of steps that people undergo when responding to situations. The diagram highlights potential risk factors that may lead to problematic behavioral patterns, and may be useful in identifying potential interventions for correcting them.

Disclaimer: this diagram reflects my personal life-practices and understandings and do not constitute professional medical advice.
WIP Addition of  Emotion Regulation IM  to Clone of  IM-9007  Double loop version of  IM-8908  Based on  1990 SDR Article .  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also  IM-9273  for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at
WIP Addition of Emotion Regulation IM to Clone of IM-9007 Double loop version of IM-8908 Based on 1990 SDR Article.  See also Double loop learning and Nurse Thinking Insights. See also IM-9273 for DLL LAIR model. Also Azjen's Theory of planned behavior which could be framed in COM-B WIP at IM-51900
Based on  1990 SDR Article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't pr
Based on 1990 SDR Article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't predict the consequences of behavior. These consequences are maintained despite disturbances. See IM-9007 for a double loop version
Completion of  IM-15119  (which added patches to  IM-14058 ). Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book  webpage   Part II p.89 with 2 agent types, spatial patches and location aware, mobile occupying (blue) agents
Completion of IM-15119 (which added patches to IM-14058). Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book webpage  Part II p.89 with 2 agent types, spatial patches and location aware, mobile occupying (blue) agents

Based on  1990 SDR Article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't pr
Based on 1990 SDR Article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't predict the consequences of behavior. These consequences are maintained despite disturbances. See IM-9007 for a double loop version
 Love affairs and Differential equations. From Michael J Radzicki (1993) Dyadic processes,tempestuous relationships, and system dynamics Syst. Dyn. Rev. 9 (1) :79-94 

Love affairs and Differential equations. From Michael J Radzicki (1993) Dyadic processes,tempestuous relationships, and system dynamics Syst. Dyn. Rev. 9 (1) :79-94 

4 months ago
 The fact
that we all strive to reduce psychologically inconsistent thoughts  is a well-researched phenomenon. When we hold
two conflicting thoughts in our heads we feel an overwhelming desire to reduce
this conflict. This desire can be a powerful driver in the way we behave. Most
of us are aware at

The fact that we all strive to reduce psychologically inconsistent thoughts  is a well-researched phenomenon. When we hold two conflicting thoughts in our heads we feel an overwhelming desire to reduce this conflict. This desire can be a powerful driver in the way we behave. Most of us are aware at some level that if we took the threat of climate change seriously we would need to completely change our routines and the way we behave. Flying off on holiday would be out of the question. Swimming pools would be a past luxury. Most of us would need to give up our cars and become vegetarians. The list can be extended almost endlessly. Very often, subconsciously, we try to reduce troubling and inconvenient facts by minimizing, ignoring or even by denying them. Could this be why we hardly talk about climate change even in the face of increasingly frequent extreme weather events and obvious signs that it is occurring now?

This subject needs to be openly talked about between us and in the press. The seriousness of global warming makes it a necessity.  Only when this happens will politicians have the space and incentive to act on our behalf. But before this can happen we need to be aware of the reason why we avoid talking about this subject – this graph tries to illustrate the harmful dynamic that could be responsible for it.

 Love affairs and Differential equations. From Michael J Radzicki (1993) Dyadic processes,tempestuous relationships, and system dynamics Syst. Dyn. Rev. 9 (1) :79-94 

Love affairs and Differential equations. From Michael J Radzicki (1993) Dyadic processes,tempestuous relationships, and system dynamics Syst. Dyn. Rev. 9 (1) :79-94 

Completion of  IM-15119  (which added patches to  IM-14058 ). Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book  webpage   Part II p.89 with 2 agent types, spatial patches and location aware, mobile occupying (blue) agents
Completion of IM-15119 (which added patches to IM-14058). Unconscious affective dynamics Josh Epstein's Agent Zero Book webpage  Part II p.89 with 2 agent types, spatial patches and location aware, mobile occupying (blue) agents