SARS-Cov-2 Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “SARS-Cov-2”.

Related tagsCOVID-19

 Wenn kein Versuch unternommen wird, SARS-CoV-2 auszurotten, wird es
schließlich endemisch und unausrottbar werden, mit hohen, nicht endenden Kosten
für die Welt in Bezug auf Wirtschaftswachstum, menschliche Gesundheit und
Menschenleben. Die derzeitige Strategie der meisten Regierungen besteht darin

Wenn kein Versuch unternommen wird, SARS-CoV-2 auszurotten, wird es schließlich endemisch und unausrottbar werden, mit hohen, nicht endenden Kosten für die Welt in Bezug auf Wirtschaftswachstum, menschliche Gesundheit und Menschenleben. Die derzeitige Strategie der meisten Regierungen besteht darin, restriktive Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, wenn das Virus die Krankenhäuser zu überschwemmen droht und diese Beschränkungen wieder zu lockern, wenn diese Gefahr zurückgeht. Diese Strategie kann die hochinfektiöse Delta-Variante, die einen geschätzten R0-Wert von 6 bis 9 hat, nicht eliminieren. Regelmäßige Sperrungen werden sich in Zukunft kaum vermeiden lassen.

Eine Ausrottung ist jedoch möglich, ebenso wie eine weltweit schnell erreichte Herdenimmunität, die den R0-Wert dauerhaft auf unter 1 senkt und somit zum Verschwinden des Virus führen wird. Entscheidend dafür ist Ivermectin, ein Medikament, das billig und leicht verfügbar ist und in den meisten Ländern hergestellt werden kann. Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Metastudie hat gezeigt, dass die prophylaktische Anwendung von Ivermectin eine Infektion mit dem Virus im Durchschnitt um 86 % verhindern kann, was der Wirksamkeit von Impfstoffen sehr ähnlich ist. Die, die nicht geimpft wurden und nicht immun sind, weil sie Covid-19 überstanden haben, könnten sich mit Ivermectin sehr effektiv vor einer Infektion schützen.  Die Ausrottung erfordert den Einsatz aller in der Grafik gezeigten Instrumente: künftige Generationen könnte es erspart bleiben mit dieser Plage leben zu müssen.  

The model represents the interaction between influenza and SARS-CoV-2. The data used is for Catalonia region.
The model represents the interaction between influenza and SARS-CoV-2. The data used is for Catalonia region.
 Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.     The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.     Healthcare resources identifie
Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.

The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.

Healthcare resources identifies need for hospital beds and critical care.

The model is uses arrays to reflect the different impacts of modelled parameters by age and sex.
 Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.     The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.     Healthcare resources identifie
Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.

The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.

Healthcare resources identifies need for hospital beds and critical care.

The model is uses arrays to reflect the different impacts of modelled parameters by age and sex.
9 months ago
The model represents the interaction between influenza and SARS-CoV-2. The data used is for Catalonia region.
The model represents the interaction between influenza and SARS-CoV-2. The data used is for Catalonia region.
 Modelling the demand for health and care resources resulting from the Covid-19 outbreak using an SEIR model.
Modelling the demand for health and care resources resulting from the Covid-19 outbreak using an SEIR model.

 Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.     The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.     Healthcare resources identifie
Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.

The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.

Healthcare resources identifies need for hospital beds and critical care.

The model is uses arrays to reflect the different impacts of modelled parameters by age and sex.
 Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.     The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.     Healthcare resources identifie
Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.

The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.

Healthcare resources identifies need for hospital beds and critical care.

The model is uses arrays to reflect the different impacts of modelled parameters by age and sex.
 Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.     The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.     Healthcare resources identifie
Modelling of the SARS-Cov-2 viral outbreak using an SEIR model plus specific extensions to model demand for health and care resources.

The model includes biths and deaths, and migration to accommodate import and export of infected individuals from other areas.

Healthcare resources identifies need for hospital beds and critical care.

The model is uses arrays to reflect the different impacts of modelled parameters by age and sex.
 Modelling the demand for health and care resources resulting from the Covid-19 outbreak using an SEIR model.
Modelling the demand for health and care resources resulting from the Covid-19 outbreak using an SEIR model.