History Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “History”.

Related tagsEconomics

Book Summary of The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi see  Wikipedia  . See also more Karl Polanyi ideas  IM-181325
Book Summary of The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi see Wikipedia . See also more Karl Polanyi ideas IM-181325
Book Summary of The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi see  Wikipedia  . See also more Karl Polanyi ideas  IM-181325
Book Summary of The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi see Wikipedia . See also more Karl Polanyi ideas IM-181325
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a gre
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a great deal of sense.

Original model done for The Perspectives Project though recast into Kumu.
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a gre
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a great deal of sense.

Original model done for The Perspectives Project though recast into Kumu.
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a gre
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a great deal of sense.
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a gre
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a great deal of sense.

Original model done for The Perspectives Project though recast into Kumu.
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a gre
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a great deal of sense.

Original model done for The Perspectives Project though recast into Kumu.
12 months ago
From Jay Forrester 1988 killian lectures youtube  video  describing system dynamics at MIT. For more detailed biography See Jay Forrester memorial  webpage  For MIT HIstory see  IM-184930  For Applications se  IM-185462
From Jay Forrester 1988 killian lectures youtube video describing system dynamics at MIT. For more detailed biography See Jay Forrester memorial webpage For MIT HIstory see IM-184930 For Applications se IM-185462
From Jay Forrester 1988 killian lectures youtube  video  describing system dynamics at MIT. For more detailed biography See Jay Forrester memorial  webpage  For MIT HIstory see  IM-184930  For Applications se  IM-185462
From Jay Forrester 1988 killian lectures youtube video describing system dynamics at MIT. For more detailed biography See Jay Forrester memorial webpage For MIT HIstory see IM-184930 For Applications se IM-185462
9 months ago
From the 1988 killian lecture youtube  video  For more detailed biography See Jay Forrester memorial  webpage  For concepts and applications see  IM-185226
From the 1988 killian lecture youtube video For more detailed biography See Jay Forrester memorial webpage For concepts and applications see IM-185226
A model of the ebb and flow of agricultural societies, like China's history. From Khalil Saeed and Oleg Pavlov's WPI 2006  paper  See also the Generic structure  Insight Map
A model of the ebb and flow of agricultural societies, like China's history. From Khalil Saeed and Oleg Pavlov's WPI 2006 paper See also the Generic structure Insight Map
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a gre
Investigations into the relationships responsible for the success and failure of nations. This investigation was prompted after reading numerous references on the subject and perceiving that *Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty* by Acemoglu and Robinson seem to make a great deal of sense.
8 months ago
From the 1988 killian lecture youtube  video  For more detailed biography See Jay Forrester memorial  webpage  For concepts and applications see  IM-185226
From the 1988 killian lecture youtube video For more detailed biography See Jay Forrester memorial webpage For concepts and applications see IM-185226
A model of the ebb and flow of agricultural societies, like China's history. From Khalil Saeed and Oleg Pavlov's WPI 2006  paper  See also the Generic structure  Insight Map
A model of the ebb and flow of agricultural societies, like China's history. From Khalil Saeed and Oleg Pavlov's WPI 2006 paper See also the Generic structure Insight Map
Book Summary of The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi see  Wikipedia  . See also more Karl Polanyi ideas  IM-181325
Book Summary of The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi see Wikipedia . See also more Karl Polanyi ideas IM-181325
6 months ago
WIP of several books of Karl Polanyi's thoughts and papers around social science economic history and capitalism. . See also Summary of the Great Transformation  IM-10640
WIP of several books of Karl Polanyi's thoughts and papers around social science economic history and capitalism. . See also Summary of the Great Transformation IM-10640
WIP of several books of Karl Polanyi's thoughts and papers around social science economic history and capitalism. . See also Summary of the Great Transformation  IM-10640
WIP of several books of Karl Polanyi's thoughts and papers around social science economic history and capitalism. . See also Summary of the Great Transformation IM-10640
Work in Progress (WIP) of several books of Karl Polanyi's thoughts and papers around social science economic history and capitalism. . See also Summary of the Great Transformation  IM-10640
Work in Progress (WIP) of several books of Karl Polanyi's thoughts and papers around social science economic history and capitalism. . See also Summary of the Great Transformation IM-10640
WIP  Harvey Whitehouse   Book  Summary Inheritance The Evolutionary Origins of the Modern World
WIP Harvey Whitehouse Book Summary Inheritance The Evolutionary Origins of the Modern World
9 months ago