Based on Ch 7.3 of Mitchell Wray and Watts Textbook see IM-164967 for overview. See IM-165546 for a conversion to a continuous time stock flow version of this simple example
Based on Ch 7.3 of Mitchell Wray and Watts Textbook see IM-164967 for overview. IM-165415 Example converted to a continuous time dynamic model using stocks and flows
Partial exposition of Samuelson's Accelerator Model to conform with the Simple Model 7.3 in the Macroeconomics Book, based on MIT D memo D-1761 by Low and Mass 1973 See also more complete version IM-177550
IM-168155 Summary of Ch 27 of Mitchell Wray and Watts Textbook see IM-164967 for book overview with simplified Mike Radzicki's 2003 Evolutionary Economics history article added