STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways.   (1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotran
STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways. 
(1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotranspiration (T/ETmax) modifies gross primary productivity (GPP).
(2) Degree of saturation of the soil (Sd) modifies the rate of soil heterotrophic respiration.
(3) Water limitation of GPP (by T/ETmax) and of soil nutrient availability (approximated by Sd) combine with leaf area limitation (approximated by fraction of incident photosynthetically-active radiation that is absorbed) to modify the allocation of net primary productivity to aboveground and belowground parts of the vegetation.

Ecosystem dynamics in turn influence flows of water in to and out of the soil moisture stock. The size of the aboveground biomass stock determines fractional vegetation cover, which modifies interception, soil evaporation and transpiration by plants.

Guswa, A.J., Celia, M.A., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2002) Models of soil moisture dynamics in ecohydrology: a comparative study. Water Resources Research 38, 5-1 - 5-15.

Hartig, F., Minunno, F., and Paul, S. (2019). BayesianTools: General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics. R package version 0.1.7.

12 months ago
This is step 4 in making a climate model based on our insights of how trees actively contribute to the cooling capcacity of the Earth.​  In this step we added the absorption of Sun Energy by the atmosphere via water vapor. 50% of this energy is radiated to Earth and 50% back into space.  We have mad
This is step 4 in making a climate model based on our insights of how trees actively contribute to the cooling capcacity of the Earth.​

In this step we added the absorption of Sun Energy by the atmosphere via water vapor. 50% of this energy is radiated to Earth and 50% back into space.

We have made a stock containing the IR that is going back to Earth.

With Our-Green-Spine we have discovered new insights how trees / forest / green structures are part of the managing system of controlling the temperature of our Earth via their cooling capacity by using water and influencing the water cycle. We want to translate our insights in a climate model. People who to join us please send an email to
Thanks, Marcel de Berg
Comportamiento de un sistema hidráulico con un aljibe, un tinaco, y consumo aleatorio.
Comportamiento de un sistema hidráulico con un aljibe, un tinaco, y consumo aleatorio.
 STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways.   (1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotran
STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways. 
(1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotranspiration (T/ETmax) modifies gross primary productivity (GPP).
(2) Degree of saturation of the soil (Sd) modifies the rate of soil heterotrophic respiration.
(3) Water limitation of GPP (by T/ETmax) and of soil nutrient availability (approximated by Sd) combine with leaf area limitation (approximated by fraction of incident photosynthetically-active radiation that is absorbed) to modify the allocation of net primary productivity to aboveground and belowground parts of the vegetation.

Ecosystem dynamics in turn influence flows of water in to and out of the soil moisture stock. The size of the aboveground biomass stock determines fractional vegetation cover, which modifies interception, soil evaporation and transpiration by plants.

Guswa, A.J., Celia, M.A., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2002) Models of soil moisture dynamics in ecohydrology: a comparative study. Water Resources Research 38, 5-1 - 5-15.

Hartig, F., Minunno, F., and Paul, S. (2019). BayesianTools: General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics. R package version 0.1.7.

Comportamiento de un sistema hidráulico con un aljibe, un tinaco, y consumo aleatorio.
Comportamiento de un sistema hidráulico con un aljibe, un tinaco, y consumo aleatorio.
Rough draft of model to relate Edwards Aquifer water storage to spring flow, pumping rates and other variables.
Rough draft of model to relate Edwards Aquifer water storage to spring flow, pumping rates and other variables.
​	This model is used in a world studies extended essay research. The research question is: In what ways would the water desalination method used in Singapore benefit   water-stressed and economically less developed countries, using Palestine as a case study.  	This model retrieved data on Palestine
​ This model is used in a world studies extended essay research. The research question is: In what ways would the water desalination method used in Singapore benefit   water-stressed and economically less developed countries, using Palestine as a case study.
This model retrieved data on Palestine water resources from Authority, Palestinian Water. "Annual status report on water resources, water supply, and wastewater in the occupied State of Palestine 2011." Palestinian Water Authority, Ramallah 13 (2012) 
Data for Singapore desalination process is taken from PUB, Singapore Water Agency, "Singapore Water Story." PUB, Singapore's National Water Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2017.
Data for Palestine population growth was taken from World Bank. World Bank. "West Bank and Gaza Home." The World Bank. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2017.
This model assumes that Palestine population will grow at 2.92% (World Bank, 2015) and average domestic consumption is 90 litres per capita per day(Palestine Water Authority, 2012). This model does not take into account growing demands for industrial and agricultural sector. It also does not show the impact of climate change on Palestine natural water resources.
With Our-Green-Spine we have discovered new insights how trees / forest / green structures are part of the managing system of controlling the temperature of our Earth via their cooling capacity by using water and influencing the water cycle. We want to translate our insights in a climate model. Peop
With Our-Green-Spine we have discovered new insights how trees / forest / green structures are part of the managing system of controlling the temperature of our Earth via their cooling capacity by using water and influencing the water cycle. We want to translate our insights in a climate model. People who to join us please send an email to
Thanks, Marcel de Berg
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.  The converter in this file contains precipitation for Tucson only. Tucson watersheds are Arroyo Chico, Canada Agua, and Lower Canada del Oro.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.

The converter in this file contains precipitation for Tucson only. Tucson watersheds are Arroyo Chico, Canada Agua, and Lower Canada del Oro.
 STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways.   (1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotran
STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways. 
(1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotranspiration (T/ETmax) modifies gross primary productivity (GPP).
(2) Degree of saturation of the soil (Sd) modifies the rate of soil heterotrophic respiration.
(3) Water limitation of GPP (by T/ETmax) and of soil nutrient availability (approximated by Sd) combine with leaf area limitation (approximated by fraction of incident photosynthetically-active radiation that is absorbed) to modify the allocation of net primary productivity to aboveground and belowground parts of the vegetation.

Ecosystem dynamics in turn influence flows of water in to and out of the soil moisture stock. The size of the aboveground biomass stock determines fractional vegetation cover, which modifies interception, soil evaporation and transpiration by plants.

Guswa, A.J., Celia, M.A., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2002) Models of soil moisture dynamics in ecohydrology: a comparative study. Water Resources Research 38, 5-1 - 5-15.

Hartig, F., Minunno, F., and Paul, S. (2019). BayesianTools: General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics. R package version 0.1.7.

​	This model is used in a world studies extended essay research. The research question is: In what ways would the water desalination method used in Singapore benefit   water-stressed and economically less developed countries, using Palestine as a case study.  	This model retrieved data on Palestine
​ This model is used in a world studies extended essay research. The research question is: In what ways would the water desalination method used in Singapore benefit   water-stressed and economically less developed countries, using Palestine as a case study.
This model retrieved data on Palestine water resources from Authority, Palestinian Water. "Annual status report on water resources, water supply, and wastewater in the occupied State of Palestine 2011." Palestinian Water Authority, Ramallah 13 (2012) 
Data for Singapore desalination process is taken from PUB, Singapore Water Agency, "Singapore Water Story." PUB, Singapore's National Water Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2017.
Data for Palestine population growth was taken from World Bank. World Bank. "West Bank and Gaza Home." The World Bank. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2017.
This model assumes that Palestine population will grow at 2.92% (World Bank, 2015) and average domestic consumption is 90 litres per capita per day(Palestine Water Authority, 2012). This model does not take into account growing demands for industrial and agricultural sector. It also does not show the impact of climate change on Palestine natural water resources.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.  The converter in this file contains precipitation for Phoenix only.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.

The converter in this file contains precipitation for Phoenix only.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.  The converter in this file contains precipitation for Tucson only. Tucson watersheds are Arroyo Chico, Canada Agua, and Lower Canada del Oro.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.

The converter in this file contains precipitation for Tucson only. Tucson watersheds are Arroyo Chico, Canada Agua, and Lower Canada del Oro.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.  The converter in this file contains precipitation for Phoenix only.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.

The converter in this file contains precipitation for Phoenix only.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.  The converter in this file contains precipitation for Tucson only. Tucson watersheds are Arroyo Chico, Canada Agua, and Lower Canada del Oro.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.

The converter in this file contains precipitation for Tucson only. Tucson watersheds are Arroyo Chico, Canada Agua, and Lower Canada del Oro.
 STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways.   (1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotran
STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways. 
(1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotranspiration (T/ETmax) modifies gross primary productivity (GPP).
(2) Degree of saturation of the soil (Sd) modifies the rate of soil heterotrophic respiration.
(3) Water limitation of GPP (by T/ETmax) and of soil nutrient availability (approximated by Sd) combine with leaf area limitation (approximated by fraction of incident photosynthetically-active radiation that is absorbed) to modify the allocation of net primary productivity to aboveground and belowground parts of the vegetation.

Ecosystem dynamics in turn influence flows of water in to and out of the soil moisture stock. The size of the aboveground biomass stock determines fractional vegetation cover, which modifies interception, soil evaporation and transpiration by plants.

Guswa, A.J., Celia, M.A., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2002) Models of soil moisture dynamics in ecohydrology: a comparative study. Water Resources Research 38, 5-1 - 5-15.

Hartig, F., Minunno, F., and Paul, S. (2019). BayesianTools: General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics. R package version 0.1.7.

5 months ago
 STEM is a modified implementation of Hartig et al.'s (2019) Very Simple Ecosystem Model (VSEM). The vegetation part of the model has two stocks of biomass carbon (C): aboveground C and belowground C.  The soil part of the model has a single stock of soil organic C. Carbon flows into the biomass C s
STEM is a modified implementation of Hartig et al.'s (2019) Very Simple Ecosystem Model (VSEM). The vegetation part of the model has two stocks of biomass carbon (C): aboveground C and belowground C.  The soil part of the model has a single stock of soil organic C. Carbon flows into the biomass C stocks via net primary productivity (NPP). Carbon flows out of these stocks and into the soil organic C stock via the loss of aboveground/belowground C through senescence (i.e., abscission of dead leaves and roots). SOC loss is due to heterotrophic respiration of the soil organic matter.

Hartig, F., Minunno, F., and Paul, S. (2019). BayesianTools: General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics. R package version 0.1.7.

187 4 months ago
 STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways.   (1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotran
STEM-SM combines a simple ecosystem model (modified version of VSEM; Hartig et al. 2019) with a soil moisture model (Guswa et al. (2002) leaky bucket model). Outputs from the soil moisture model influence ecosystem dynamics in three ways. 
(1) The ratio of actual transpiration to maximum evapotranspiration (T/ETmax) modifies gross primary productivity (GPP).
(2) Degree of saturation of the soil (Sd) modifies the rate of soil heterotrophic respiration.
(3) Water limitation of GPP (by T/ETmax) and of soil nutrient availability (approximated by Sd) combine with leaf area limitation (approximated by fraction of incident photosynthetically-active radiation that is absorbed) to modify the allocation of net primary productivity to aboveground and belowground parts of the vegetation.

Ecosystem dynamics in turn influence flows of water in to and out of the soil moisture stock. The size of the aboveground biomass stock determines fractional vegetation cover, which modifies interception, soil evaporation and transpiration by plants.

Guswa, A.J., Celia, M.A., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2002) Models of soil moisture dynamics in ecohydrology: a comparative study. Water Resources Research 38, 5-1 - 5-15.

Hartig, F., Minunno, F., and Paul, S. (2019). BayesianTools: General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics. R package version 0.1.7.

10 months ago
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.  The converter in this file contains precipitation for Phoenix only.
Primitives for Watershed modeling project. Click Clone Insight at the top right to make a copy that you can edit.

The converter in this file contains precipitation for Phoenix only.
Comportamiento de un sistema hidráulico con un aljibe, un tinaco, y consumo aleatorio.
Comportamiento de un sistema hidráulico con un aljibe, un tinaco, y consumo aleatorio.
Comportamiento de un sistema hidráulico con un aljibe, un tinaco, y consumo aleatorio.
Comportamiento de un sistema hidráulico con un aljibe, un tinaco, y consumo aleatorio.