Model of Covid-19 outbreak in Burnie, Tasmania     Balancing Health and Economy factor Vaccination rate will help to recovered more people and decrease the immunity loss rate.        Additionally. The lack of food during the covid-19 pandemic still an obstacle for economic development.     In somew
Model of Covid-19 outbreak in Burnie, Tasmania

Balancing Health and Economy factor
Vaccination rate will help to recovered more people and decrease the immunity loss rate.

Additionally. The lack of food during the covid-19 pandemic still an obstacle for economic development.

In someway, Health balancing in every people will help to shut down covid-19 and help economic development even grow up faster.

Simulasi ini digunakan untuk memodelkan persebaran virus corona di Indonesia untuk kepentingan tugas kuliah
Simulasi ini digunakan untuk memodelkan persebaran virus corona di Indonesia untuk kepentingan tugas kuliah
 Modelo epidemiológico simples   SIR: Susceptíveis - Infectados - Recuperados         Clique aqui  para ver um vídeo com a apresentação sobre a construção e uso deste modelo.  É recomendável ver o vídeo num computador de mesa para se poder ver os detalhes do modelo.          Dados iniciais de  infec
Modelo epidemiológico simples
SIR: Susceptíveis - Infectados - Recuperados

Clique aqui para ver um vídeo com a apresentação sobre a construção e uso deste modelo.  É recomendável ver o vídeo num computador de mesa para se poder ver os detalhes do modelo.

Dados iniciais de infectados, recuperados e óbitos para diversos países (incluindo o Brasil) podem ser obtidos aqui neste site.
   Description         The model shows Covid-19 situations in Burnie, Tasmania. Under such circumstances, how the state government deals with the pandemic and how economy changes will be illustrated. The relationship between government policy and economic activities under Covid-19 outbreaks will be



The model shows Covid-19 situations in Burnie, Tasmania. Under such circumstances, how the state government deals with the pandemic and how economy changes will be illustrated. The relationship between government policy and economic activities under Covid-19 outbreaks will be explained through different variables.



Government policy negatively affects Covid-19 outbreaks and economic activities.

Covid-19 outbreaks also has negative effects on economic growth.




There are several fixed and adjusted variables.


1.     COVID-19 Outbreaks

Fixed variables: infection rate, recovery rate

Adjusted variables: immunity loss rate


2.     Government Policy

Adjusted variables: lockdown, social distancing, testing, vaccination

3.     Economic impact

Fixed variables: tourism

Adjusted variables: economic growth rate


Interesting Insights


Tourism seems to be the most effective way to bring back economic growth in Tasmania, and it takes time to recover from Covid-19.


Government policies tend to have negative influences on economic growth.