Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archety

Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

 Aplicar más presión sobre el personal puede aumentar temporalmente la productividad, pero pronto se agotará.  De William E. Novak y Linda Levine CMU SEI, septiembre de 2010 Éxito en la adquisición: uso de arquetipos para vencer el  papel de  las probabilidades   y ver  página web  
 Vea  CLD IM-641

Aplicar más presión sobre el personal puede aumentar temporalmente la productividad, pero pronto se agotará.  De William E. Novak y Linda Levine CMU SEI, septiembre de 2010 Éxito en la adquisición: uso de arquetipos para vencer el papel de las probabilidades   y ver página web

Vea CLD IM-641 y simulación IM-333 similares

 In today's acquisition environment, where progress is sometimes measured by dollars spent, underspending is not a virtue. In fact, it can lead to having funds shifted to another program. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the O

In today's acquisition environment, where progress is sometimes measured by dollars spent, underspending is not a virtue. In fact, it can lead to having funds shifted to another program. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

3 months ago
 When time and budget are tight, it's tempting to follow the "happy path" in testing. But be careful: it may be a path that brings your program great unhappiness. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds  paper  and see  webp

When time and budget are tight, it's tempting to follow the "happy path" in testing. But be careful: it may be a path that brings your program great unhappiness. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

 Interacting nested fast and slow adaptive cycles from  Panarchy Book   ,Resilience thinking Book Brian Walker and David Salt Island Press 2006 and the  http://www.resalliance.org/  Website, See also What is Panarchy at  http://bit.ly/H9RFkL

Interacting nested fast and slow adaptive cycles from Panarchy Book  ,Resilience thinking Book Brian Walker and David Salt Island Press 2006 and the http://www.resalliance.org/ Website, See also What is Panarchy at http://bit.ly/H9RFkL

9 months ago
 WIP for Continuity of care ISO From  Wikipedia  Initial Insight Representation from ContSys Patient statechart split off at  IM-4010

WIP for Continuity of care ISO From Wikipedia Initial Insight Representation from ContSys

Patient statechart split off at IM-4010
 Fig 1.1 p19-22 Robert A Greenes Ed (2007) Clinical Decision Support:The Road Ahead Elsevier

Fig 1.1 p19-22 Robert A Greenes Ed (2007) Clinical Decision Support:The Road Ahead Elsevier

 The concept of bidding on a government contract is deceptively simple. Underbidding is a tactic that complicates all aspects of the process. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds  paper  and see  webpage

The concept of bidding on a government contract is deceptively simple. Underbidding is a tactic that complicates all aspects of the process. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

Implementation of the business models described in1.	Kijl, B., Nieuwenhuis, L. J. M., Jan. 2011. Deploying e-health service innovations – an early stage business model engineering and regulatory validation approach. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 12 (1), 23–44. 
URL ht
Implementation of the business models described in1. Kijl, B., Nieuwenhuis, L. J. M., Jan. 2011. Deploying e-health service innovations – an early stage business model engineering and regulatory validation approach. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 12 (1), 23–44. 
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJHTM.2011.037219
 WIP for Continuity of care ISO From  Wikipedia  Initial Insight Representation from ContSys  IM-4008  with split off  patient  and professional statecharts See  IM-2846  for Agent with infectious disease and  IM-6913  for ED Physician INteraction

WIP for Continuity of care ISO From Wikipedia Initial Insight Representation from ContSys

IM-4008 with split off patient and professional statecharts See IM-2846 for Agent with infectious disease and IM-6913 for ED Physician INteraction
 Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archety

Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

 Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archety

Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
Merging of OASIS  SOA Reference Architecture  IM-1460  and SOA ontology  IM-1456  with a layout similar to  IM-731  view of health care as a collection of services that match needs to resources.
Merging of OASIS  SOA Reference Architecture IM-1460 and SOA ontology IM-1456 with a layout similar to IM-731 view of health care as a collection of services that match needs to resources.
 WIP for Continuity of care ISO From  Wikipedia  Initial Insight Representation from ContSys  IM-4008  with split off patient statechart See  IM-2846  for Agent with infectious disease and  IM-4031  for additional professional statechart

WIP for Continuity of care ISO From Wikipedia Initial Insight Representation from ContSys

IM-4008 with split off patient statechart See IM-2846 for Agent with infectious disease and IM-4031 for additional professional statechart
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
 Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archety

Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

 Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archety

Everyone intends the best in project-driven marriages of PMOs and contractors, but good intentions can't overcome the hostility generated by loss of trust and squabbles in poorly developed relationships. From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

3 months ago
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
4 months ago
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
10 months ago
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Includes Forrester quotes on statistical vs SD methods and the Modeller's dilemma. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773