Our actions are based on our beliefs and the results of those actions are the basis for our beliefs. The difficulty we create for ourselves is that we make assumptions as to how to interpret the results we select based on our beliefs. As a result we are often operating on a flawed perspective of rea
Our actions are based on our beliefs and the results of those actions are the basis for our beliefs. The difficulty we create for ourselves is that we make assumptions as to how to interpret the results we select based on our beliefs. As a result we are often operating on a flawed perspective of reality.
 Bathtub model with max fill rate control added to account for the maximum rate water can enter via the faucet.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

Bathtub model with max fill rate control added to account for the maximum rate water can enter via the faucet.


The Button primitive enables you to write JavaScript code that controls various aspects of the model via the  Insight Maker API . @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
The Button primitive enables you to write JavaScript code that controls various aspects of the model via the Insight Maker API.
 Use a bathtub model to investigate the manner in which inflows and outflows govern the quantity of a stock. Extend the structure to create and investigate the relationships of a goal seeking balancing loop.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

Use a bathtub model to investigate the manner in which inflows and outflows govern the quantity of a stock. Extend the structure to create and investigate the relationships of a goal seeking balancing loop.


The delays associated with adjusting the shower is a very common example of the Balancing Loop with Delay Systems Archetype.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
The delays associated with adjusting the shower is a very common example of the Balancing Loop with Delay Systems Archetype. 
While all things are related for a particular situation all things are not relevant. We need to develop a simplified model of reality which depicts those interactions which are responsible for the patterns of behavior and current situation. We want the simplest model which enables the requisite unde
While all things are related for a particular situation all things are not relevant. We need to develop a simplified model of reality which depicts those interactions which are responsible for the patterns of behavior and current situation. We want the simplest model which enables the requisite understanding. This is no easy task though.
OK, we have a problem. Yet, do we really know what the problem is? More often than not we look at the symptoms, consider them the problem and attempt to fix them. This actually dooms us to failure because they're only symptoms.   Video    SystemsWiki's Musings
OK, we have a problem. Yet, do we really know what the problem is? More often than not we look at the symptoms, consider them the problem and attempt to fix them. This actually dooms us to failure because they're only symptoms.
A map of the elements associated with Systems Thinking as defined by different sources. @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
A map of the elements associated with Systems Thinking as defined by different sources.
There are things we can influence and usually a broader array of things we are concerned about though can't influence. It's important to know the differerence otherwise we waste our energies trying to change things we have no influence over.    Video
There are things we can influence and usually a broader array of things we are concerned about though can't influence. It's important to know the differerence otherwise we waste our energies trying to change things we have no influence over. 
A number of questions considered relative to Systems Thinking. @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
A number of questions considered relative to Systems Thinking.
 Drifting Goals Stock & Flow Simulation model.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

Drifting Goals Stock & Flow Simulation model.


Demo of population growth with distinct agents.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
Demo of population growth with distinct agents.
The issue of increasing private and government debt to banks is a major
concern after the financial crisis of 2008 (see Figure at link given below). In order to
understand why our society and government is increasingly indebted to banks we
need to understand how our current money system works and wh
The issue of increasing private and government debt to banks is a major concern after the financial crisis of 2008 (see Figure at link given below). In order to understand why our society and government is increasingly indebted to banks we need to understand how our current money system works and why we need a continuous infusion of new money in a growing economy. “Why We Are Increasingly Indebted To Banks?” investigates the reasons behind this and suggest a possible solution.
The strategy is actually a set of structural changes that have to be made to the relationships that cause the future to be different than the past.   Video
The strategy is actually a set of structural changes that have to be made to the relationships that cause the future to be different than the past.
 This is a model used to generate the historical patterns of behavior for the Network Magic example.   Video

This is a model used to generate the historical patterns of behavior for the Network Magic example.


 Example of the exponential decay of a Stock with the decay rate being a function of a decay constant.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

Example of the exponential decay of a Stock with the decay rate being a function of a decay constant.


All the insights you create will be with components from the Add Primitive menu and they will be connected together with Flows/Transitions or Links. @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
All the insights you create will be with components from the Add Primitive menu and they will be connected together with Flows/Transitions or Links.
 Insight Maker is web based multi-user modeling and simulation environment which enables distributed virtual collaboration.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

Insight Maker is web based multi-user modeling and simulation environment which enables distributed virtual collaboration.


Are there environmental/physical limits to humanity? Based on the  Are There Limits?  blog post by Tom Fiddaman. @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
Are there environmental/physical limits to humanity? Based on the Are There Limits? blog post by Tom Fiddaman.
This  Savings Model  is the third in the series. It illustrates the difference in savings over time for a doctor or for a skilled worker who went to a trade school.    Traditional Career Model    Loan Cost Model    @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
This Savings Model is the third in the series. It illustrates the difference in savings over time for a doctor or for a skilled worker who went to a trade school.
 A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

A simple agent based foraging model. Consumer agents will move between fertile patches consuming them.


 Population Growth in an Agrarian Society with the addition of Deaths and Food Consumption.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

Population Growth in an Agrarian Society with the addition of Deaths and Food Consumption.
