There exists a well defined set of possible ways to alter an existing set of interactions. Each of these alterations will produce a particular effect depending on the relations the change is relative to. Identifying which are possible and which will migrate the interactions to produce the desired situation is the essence of the strategy.
Discussion groups, or bulletin boards if you prefer, come in numerous forms though for all their forms they are all pretty much the same. And, if you've found your way here then you probably belong to one or more of them.
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one tells the bartender he wants a beer. The second one says he wants half a beer. The third one says he wants a fourth of a beer. The bartender puts two beers on the bar and says “You guys need to learn your limits.” From Wild About Math.
This model represents an elaboration of the Savings Account model to investigate the implications associated with intending to save money for retirement so an amount may be withdrawn monthly for living expenses.
The limits to action structure endeavors to bring a balance between a current state and a desired state though more often than not there is some limit on the action.
This structure show the potential benefit from the development of a knowledgebase to support performance. With this potential benefit why is it so difficult for it to happen. What loops might be missing here.
A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (healthy and temporarily immune).
The intent here is to provide guidance for creating well structured and documented relationship maps that you can share with your audience and they are likely to find understandable and informative.
An escalation structure results from two or more competing entities with the competition taking them to somewhere none of them want to be. See also Archetypes.
It's now time for the stakeholders to take the investigation resulting from leverage and craft a strategy which will address the current situation in a manner that is beneficial to the whole system.
The Sensitivity Analysis option allows you to develop a sense of the extent to which some part of the model is affected by changes in some other part of the model. I think you'll find the approach to implementing Sensitivity Analysis rather straightforward and powerful at the same time.
Use a savings account model to investigate the manner in which inflows and outflows govern the quantity of a stock. Extend the structure to create and investigate the relationships of a growth producing reinforcing loop.