Extension of IM-14144 with ward outliers as a prelude to a modular ward dynamics framework. Should include ideas in IM-1008 For backlog and services see IM-8382
A stock flow structure used to investigate interventions to improve the monthly patterns of patient flows through hospitals. Simplest structure to explain IM-10386 Expanded in IM-13966
Simulation model version of IM-398 CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter. For discharge dynamics see IM-14124. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382
A stock flow structure used to investigate interventions to improve the monthly patterns of patient flows through hospitals. Simplest structure to explain IM-10386 Expanded in IM-13966
A stock flow structure used to investigate interventions to improve the monthly patterns of patient flows through hospitals. Simplest structure to explain IM-10386 Expanded in IM-13966
Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From
Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682
Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From
Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682
Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382
Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382
Causal loop diagram of the dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. From
Lane, David C. and Monefeldt, C. and Rosenhead, Jonathan (2000) Looking in the wrong place for healthcare improvements: a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 51 (5). pp. 518-531. ISSN 0160-5682
Coping but not coping in health and social care: masking the reality of running organisations beyond safe design capacity. From Eric Wolstenholme Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 371–389, (2007) abstract See IM-1008 for a stock flow version. Click the +View Story feature at the bottom left.
Simulation model version of IM-398 CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter. For discharge dynamics see IM-14124. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382
Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382