WIP for Whole of Hospital Program. Provides Context and Detail for Hospital Timeline Study  IM-9382
WIP for Whole of Hospital Program. Provides Context and Detail for Hospital Timeline Study IM-9382
 Extension of  IM-7981  with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382

Unfolding story based on Kurt Kreuger's Systems Science Workshop using a 2009 bmj  article , and Ted Marmor's book  chapter  informed by Emery Roe's recasting using analogy  Insight
Unfolding story based on Kurt Kreuger's Systems Science Workshop using a 2009 bmj article, and Ted Marmor's book chapter informed by Emery Roe's recasting using analogy Insight
 Simulation model version of  IM-398  CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter.  For discharge dynamics see  IM-14124 . For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For

Simulation model version of IM-398 CLD (which lists the reference).The dynamics of emergency and elective admissions competing for vacant ward beds in a hospital. Here Bed Capacity is a fixed parameter.  For discharge dynamics see IM-14124. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, afte
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s).
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, afte
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s).

Authors: Ashish Taneja, Keming Wang and Daniel Wong

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.
Unfolding causal loop diagram story of hospital congestion from Eric Wolstenholme's more detailed explanation of  hospital congestion IM  from March 2022 Youtube  video  and online stella  presentation . Use of cascading interlinked archetypes. See Kumu  version ,   early discharge boundaries IM  fo
Unfolding causal loop diagram story of hospital congestion from Eric Wolstenholme's more detailed explanation of hospital congestion IM from March 2022 Youtube video and online stella presentation. Use of cascading interlinked archetypes. See Kumu version,  early discharge boundaries IM for an earlier version and Generic Archetypes IM from Gene Bellinger
2 months ago

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.
Queensland Health Clinical Services Planning Project WIP commencing March 2018
Queensland Health Clinical Services Planning Project WIP commencing March 2018
6 months ago
  Coping but not coping in health and social care: masking the
reality of running organisations beyond safe design and surge capacity. An updated version of the  2007 insight  based on NHS teaching experience. See also the cascading interlinked archetypes  2022 insight CLD version  of hospital conge

Coping but not coping in health and social care: masking the reality of running organisations beyond safe design and surge capacity. An updated version of the 2007 insight based on NHS teaching experience. See also the cascading interlinked archetypes 2022 insight CLD version of hospital congestion
5 months ago

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s). New Model has been developed, this is a very draft model.

This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to
determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity.
Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to
reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients,
however, af
This is a high level system dynamics model which is built to determine the dynamic relationships of the FSA and Followups capacity. Therefore, it can help clinicians to find out the optimistic method in order to reduce the waiting list. At past clinicians were seeing more FSA patients, however, after few months, the followups patients overwhelmed the clinics. Therefore waiting list has been built up again. By running this model, clinicians can find out the balanced leverage point(s).
FSA En español significa:Cuenta de ahorro flexible puede utilizarse  para pagar los costos medicos, dentales y ortodoncitas.
 Based on G.P. Cimellaro et al. Framework for analytical quantification of disaster resilience Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3639–3649  paper

Based on G.P. Cimellaro et al. Framework for analytical quantification of disaster resilience Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3639–3649 paper

WIP based on Paul Holmstrom's material mostly specific hospital and healthcare related work from Mintzberg's books and recent articles
WIP based on Paul Holmstrom's material mostly specific hospital and healthcare related work from Mintzberg's books and recent articles
3 months ago
Changing Organization Structures and Behaviours based on Paul Holmstrom's work . Link to CLDs 
Changing Organization Structures and Behaviours based on Paul Holmstrom's work . Link to CLDs 
4 months ago
Efficiency system income and cost model for system development and roll-out.
Efficiency system income and cost model for system development and roll-out.
4 months ago
Detail of the key structures in healthcare based on Mintzberg's Understanding Organizations Finally and Paul Holmstrom's work . Link to CLDs 
Detail of the key structures in healthcare based on Mintzberg's Understanding Organizations Finally and Paul Holmstrom's work . Link to CLDs 
4 months ago
This linkage map is for Group D, representing the stakeholders for MMC. It illustrates the directional flow of issues, communication relay, and responsible parties for each stage.
This linkage map is for Group D, representing the stakeholders for MMC. It illustrates the directional flow of issues, communication relay, and responsible parties for each stage.
2 weeks ago