Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Simplified version of  IM-14982  combined with  IM-17598  and  IM-9773
Clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery. Simplified version of IM-14982 combined with IM-17598 and IM-9773
An overview of modelling human behaviour using data and theory driven methods based on Kurt Kreuger's  PhD thesis  and workshops
An overview of modelling human behaviour using data and theory driven methods based on Kurt Kreuger's PhD thesis and workshops
Based on Emery Roe (2023) When Complex is as Simple as it Gets: Guide for Recasting Policy and Management in the Anthropocene, IDS  Working Paper 589 , Brighton: Institute of Development Studies and  blog  
Based on Emery Roe (2023) When Complex is as Simple as it Gets: Guide for Recasting Policy and Management in the Anthropocene, IDS Working Paper 589, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies and blog 
WIP Merging of  IM-78725  Population Health Science Book Perspective with AMA Medical Education Perspective in Skochelak Health Systems Science Book. See also George Mobus Principles of Systems Science Book IM
WIP Merging of IM-78725 Population Health Science Book Perspective with AMA Medical Education Perspective in Skochelak Health Systems Science Book. See also George Mobus Principles of Systems Science Book IM
From Hieronymi's 2013 Systems Research  Paper  Understanding Systems Science. Systems Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using  complex decision technologies IM-17952
From Hieronymi's 2013 Systems Research Paper Understanding Systems Science. Systems Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies IM-17952
3 months ago