Realist Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Realist”.

Related tagsMethods

A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also  Complex Decision Technologies IM  Interventions and leverage points added in  IM-1400  (complex!) 
A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM
Interventions and leverage points added in IM-1400 (complex!) 
 From Stephen Toulmin's Book The Uses of Argument Cambridge University Press 2003. See  wikipedia  

From Stephen Toulmin's Book The Uses of Argument Cambridge University Press 2003. See wikipedia 

 Adapted from Pawson and Tilley (1997) and Ratze et al. (2007) by Rosie Sadsad for a forthcoming book chapter. Contextual factors, mechanisms and outcomes are conceptualised as holons. Their state may change over time (t) and across levels of organisation (l). Holons are components and form part of
Adapted from Pawson and Tilley (1997) and Ratze et al. (2007) by Rosie Sadsad for a forthcoming book chapter. Contextual factors, mechanisms and outcomes are conceptualised as holons. Their state may change over time (t) and across levels of organisation (l). Holons are components and form part of a compound holon. Holons are connected by weak or strong links.
​See also Realist Evaluation IM-1713 and Holon wikipedia and Multiscale modelling process IM-10070
 From  Werner Ulrich 's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective.  Part 1 : OR as applied systems thinking.  Journal of the Operational Research Societ y advance online publication (14 December 2011). and  Part 2  :OR as argumentative practice.  Se

From Werner Ulrich's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective. Part 1: OR as applied systems thinking. Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication (14 December 2011). and Part 2 :OR as argumentative practice.

See also insight on Boundary Critique

Improvement Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using  complex decision technologies IM-17952
Improvement Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies IM-17952
WIP Understanding pathways to observed effects complex causation Pathways Moving to Opportunity NYC example from Nate Osgood's big data lecture  youtube video  Feb 2017 Sydney.
WIP Understanding pathways to observed effects complex causation Pathways Moving to Opportunity NYC example from Nate Osgood's big data lecture youtube video Feb 2017 Sydney.
 Addition of multilevel system dynamics to the context mechanism outcome realist evaluation framework of Pawson and Tilley. See also multilevel holons  IM-3546

Addition of multilevel system dynamics to the context mechanism outcome realist evaluation framework of Pawson and Tilley. See also multilevel holons IM-3546

Based on a  book  chapter by Rosemarie Sadsad based on her  PhD Thesis . See also other Insights tagged Multiscale and Realist (  IM-3546  and IM-3834 are embedded here)
Based on a book chapter by Rosemarie Sadsad based on her PhD Thesis. See also other Insights tagged Multiscale and Realist ( IM-3546 and IM-3834 are embedded here)
WIP integration of dynamic and complexity insights using rubik's cube metaphor from  IM-78725  folders, Dynamics in action IM-3239  System dynamics IM-1248 and others
WIP integration of dynamic and complexity insights using rubik's cube metaphor from IM-78725 folders, Dynamics in action IM-3239  System dynamics IM-1248 and others
 Clone of  IM-806  modified to integrate AnyLogic Realworld, Model World with Van de Ven Engaged Scholarship and LAnd Use Modelling approaches. See also  Complex Decision Technologies IM

Clone of IM-806 modified to integrate AnyLogic Realworld, Model World with Van de Ven Engaged Scholarship and LAnd Use Modelling approaches. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM

7 months ago
 Peircean process approach to Causation from Menno Hulswit's  article . See also Peirce  IM-1376  

Peircean process approach to Causation from Menno Hulswit's article. See also Peirce IM-1376 

 Modified from Sterman (2006) and Gene Bellinger's Assumptions  IM-351  by Dr Rosemarie Sadsad UNSW See also  Complex Decision Technologies IM  and  IM-63975

Modified from Sterman (2006) and Gene Bellinger's Assumptions IM-351 by Dr Rosemarie Sadsad UNSW See also Complex Decision Technologies IM and IM-63975

 IM-1175 with computable arguments, based on ideas from Micropublications  paper  about Claims, Evidence, Representations and Context Networks

IM-1175 with computable arguments, based on ideas from Micropublications paper about Claims, Evidence, Representations and Context Networks

 An overview of Thomas A Goudge's Book on The Thought of CS Peirce Dover NY 1950 and Thomas Knight's Book Charles Peirce NY 1965

An overview of Thomas A Goudge's Book on The Thought of CS Peirce Dover NY 1950 and Thomas Knight's Book Charles Peirce NY 1965

 From  Werner Ulrich 's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective.  Part 1 : OR as applied systems thinking.  Journal of the Operational Research Societ y advance online publication (14 December 2011). and  Part 2  :OR as argumentative practice.

From Werner Ulrich's JORS Articles Operational research and critical systems thinking – an integrated perspective. Part 1: OR as applied systems thinking. Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication (14 December 2011). and Part 2 :OR as argumentative practice.

A launchpad to tie together some ideas about Reality. See  wikipedia
A launchpad to tie together some ideas about Reality. See wikipedia
Roy Bhaskar et al  Book  Interdisciplinarity and climate change: transforming
knowledge and practice for our global future 
From Roy Bhaskar et al Book Interdisciplinarity and climate change: transforming knowledge and practice for our global future 
Overview of Evaluation Approaches from Pawson and Tilley's  Book  comparing Realist, Constructivist, Experimental and Pragmatic Evaluation Approaches. Combined with Van de Ven's Alternative Philosophies of Science in his Engaged Scholarship  book . See also Burrell and Morgan's Sociological paradigm
Overview of Evaluation Approaches from Pawson and Tilley's Book comparing Realist, Constructivist, Experimental and Pragmatic Evaluation Approaches. Combined with Van de Ven's Alternative Philosophies of Science in his Engaged Scholarship book. See also Burrell and Morgan's Sociological paradigms webpage