A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for implementing a systems approach, including virtual intervention experiments using computer simulation models. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM
Interventions and leverage points added in IM-1400 (complex!)
Overview of Evaluation Approaches from Pawson and Tilley's Book comparing Realist, Constructivist, Experimental and Pragmatic Evaluation Approaches. Combined with Van de Ven's Alternative Philosophies of Science in his Engaged Scholarship book. See also Burrell and Morgan's research paradigms video
Clone of IM-806 modified to integrate AnyLogic Realworld, Model World with Van de Ven Engaged Scholarship and LAnd Use Modelling approaches. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM
Addition of multilevel system dynamics to the context mechanism outcome realist evaluation framework of Pawson and Tilley. See also multilevel holons IM-3546
Improvement Science as one of the clusters of interacting methods for improving health services network design and delivery using complex decision technologies IM-17952
Inference Robustness Assessment entails demonstrating that the ways a model differs from the real world do not affect model based inferences. From Jim Koopman's work on Infection Transmission Science esp Biological Networks Book Ch 13 p 453-4 and this accessible paper pdf
Based on a book chapter by Rosemarie Sadsad based on her PhD Thesis. See also other Insights tagged Multiscale and Realist ( IM-3546 and IM-3834 are embedded here)