Through the analysis of Actors and Aspects, we will try to find indicators for qualitative growth and to investigate if they also meet sustainability.
Through the analysis of Actors and Aspects, we will try to find indicators for qualitative growth and to investigate if they also meet sustainability.
Environmental, Sustainability, Energy Use.  Stock and Flow of Coal to end use cycle (lightbulb)
Environmental, Sustainability, Energy Use.  Stock and Flow of Coal to end use cycle (lightbulb)
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'poli
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'political influence' on quota setting (the assumption here is that you have good estimates of recruitment and stock assessments that form the basis of 'scientific advice' and then 'political influnce' that desires increased quota beyond the scientific advice).
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'poli
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'political influence' on quota setting (the assumption here is that you have good estimates of recruitment and stock assessments that form the basis of 'scientific advice' and then 'political influnce' that desires increased quota beyond the scientific advice).
Market-led Sustainability is  a 'Fix-that-Fails'. It is illustraited in this graph in a very simplified manner. Likely market-led initiatives would be: investment in renewables, electric cars and the development of long-term battery storage as a back-up means to renewable energy. However, all of the
Market-led Sustainability is  a 'Fix-that-Fails'. It is illustraited in this graph in a very simplified manner. Likely market-led initiatives would be: investment in renewables, electric cars and the development of long-term battery storage as a back-up means to renewable energy. However, all of these lead to undesirable consequences that involve environmental and economic costs that will finally make the whole enterprise fail.
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'poli
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'political influence' on quota setting (the assumption here is that you have good estimates of recruitment and stock assessments that form the basis of 'scientific advice' and then 'political influnce' that desires increased quota beyond the scientific advice).
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'poli
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'political influence' on quota setting (the assumption here is that you have good estimates of recruitment and stock assessments that form the basis of 'scientific advice' and then 'political influnce' that desires increased quota beyond the scientific advice).
  The World Socio-Economics model is computer model to simulate the consequence of interactions between the earth and human systems based on the World3 model by the work of Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth[1].     The World3 model builds by system dynamics theory that is has an approach to underst
The World Socio-Economics model is computer model to simulate the consequence of interactions between the earth and human systems based on the World3 model by the work of Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth[1].

The World3 model builds by system dynamics theory that is has an approach to understanding the nonlinear behaviour of complex systems over time using stocks, flows, feedback loops, table functions and time delays.

The Limits to Growth concludes that, without substantial changes in resource consumption, "the most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity". 

Since the World3 model was originally created, it has had minor tweaks to get to the World3-91 model used in the book Beyond the Limits[2], later improved to get the World3-03 model used in the book Limits to Growth: the 30 year update[3].

[1] Meadows, Donella H., Meadows, Dennis L., Randers, Jørgen., Behrens III, William W (1972). The Limits to Growth. 

[2] Meadows, Donella H., Dennis L. Meadows, Randers, Jørgen., (1992). Beyond the limits: global collapse or a sustainable future.

[3] Meadows, Dennis., Randers, Jørgen., (2004). The limits to growth: the 30-year update.
This is a model depicting Durham region waste management. It shows 4 types of waste, what township they come from, and how much waste (in tonnes) comes from each of the 3 townships in the Durham Region with a Durham Region-owned waste management facility. The garbage leftover from each township afte
This is a model depicting Durham region waste management. It shows 4 types of waste, what township they come from, and how much waste (in tonnes) comes from each of the 3 townships in the Durham Region with a Durham Region-owned waste management facility. The garbage leftover from each township after removing everything recyclable, compostable, and reusable, is sent to the Durham York Energy Center to create energy from the garbage. 
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'poli
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'political influence' on quota setting (the assumption here is that you have good estimates of recruitment and stock assessments that form the basis of 'scientific advice' and then 'political influnce' that desires increased quota beyond the scientific advice).
9 months ago
Diagram visualizing decision flows and potentials for Los Angeles area low-income residents.   Decision Maker:  Los Angeles Area Environmental Enforcement Collaborative
Diagram visualizing decision flows and potentials for Los Angeles area low-income residents.  

HANDY Model of Societal Collapse from Ecological Economics  Paper   see also D Cunha's model at  IM-15085
HANDY Model of Societal Collapse from Ecological Economics Paper 
see also D Cunha's model at IM-15085
8 months ago