Ability Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Ability”.

Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here . See also 2018 N. Hosseinichimeh Plos ONE  article  for rumination focuss
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here. See also 2018 N. Hosseinichimeh Plos ONE article for rumination focussed SD simulation
Overview of Myers Briggs mental preferences based on Jim Rogers MBTI Manual and Gifts Differing Book. Compare with Thinking feeling acting and interacting representation of human behaviour based on BPSD (dementia) work by Victor Vickland, PCT, Sapience and Gary Smith
Overview of Myers Briggs mental preferences based on Jim Rogers MBTI Manual and Gifts Differing Book. Compare with Thinking feeling acting and interacting representation of human behaviour based on BPSD (dementia) work by Victor Vickland, PCT, Sapience and Gary Smith
Overview of Myers Briggs mental preferences based on Jim Rogers MBTI Manual and Gifts Differing Book. Compare with Thinking feeling acting and interacting representation of human behaviour based on BPSD (dementia) work by Victor Vickland, PCT, Sapience and Gary Smith
Overview of Myers Briggs mental preferences based on Jim Rogers MBTI Manual and Gifts Differing Book. Compare with Thinking feeling acting and interacting representation of human behaviour based on BPSD (dementia) work by Victor Vickland, PCT, Sapience and Gary Smith
9 months ago
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here . See also 2018 N. Hosseinichimeh Plos ONE  article  for rumination focuss
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here. See also 2018 N. Hosseinichimeh Plos ONE article for rumination focussed SD simulation
9 months ago
 Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2009) 94 5 p1000–1018 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pi

Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2009) 94 5 p1000–1018 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095183200800269X. More detailed part of Insight 1074