Planning Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Planning”.

Organisational chart for Rigpa teaching services role.
Organisational chart for Rigpa teaching services role.
How many hospital beds will we need over the next 20 years? WIP based on HDWA work esp Compile14. A top down approach from the state level.
How many hospital beds will we need over the next 20 years? WIP based on HDWA work esp Compile14. A top down approach from the state level.
 From FIg.2 Past the Tipping Point:THe Persistence of Firefighting in Product Development by Nelson Repenning, Paulo Goncalves and Laura Black. Calif. Mgt. Review 43(4) p44-63 (2001). Also  From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the

From FIg.2 Past the Tipping Point:THe Persistence of Firefighting in Product Development by Nelson Repenning, Paulo Goncalves and Laura Black. Calif. Mgt. Review 43(4) p44-63 (2001). Also  From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

4 months ago
I have been asked re-model the diagram from question 1(ii) and describe in more depth of the current situation at Mansfield Crowd funds Town Centre
I have been asked re-model the diagram from question 1(ii) and describe in more depth of the current situation at Mansfield Crowd funds Town Centre
 Services planning for people with intellectual disability concept map. Stock and FLow model is Insight 668 and  RIch Picture is Insight  746

Services planning for people with intellectual disability concept map. Stock and FLow model is Insight 668 and  RIch Picture is Insight  746

Structural determinants of cross functional planning success from Oliva and watson 2007   working paper pdf  on supply chain planning published in Journal of operations management in 2011  research gate paper   See also  Core theory of success Insight
Structural determinants of cross functional planning success from Oliva and watson 2007  working paper pdf on supply chain planning published in Journal of operations management in 2011 research gate paper 
Using rich picture in analysing the integrated nature of programming a construction project throughout its lifecycle
Using rich picture in analysing the integrated nature of programming a construction project throughout its lifecycle
 Rich Picture Causal Loop Diagram of Quality and Size Tradeoffs in Cared Accommodation

Rich Picture Causal Loop Diagram of Quality and Size Tradeoffs in Cared Accommodation

Simple goal-seeking loop to explain influences to achieve sold-out event (i.e. all seats are filled).
Simple goal-seeking loop to explain influences to achieve sold-out event (i.e. all seats are filled).
 The transitions from home to supported accommodation for people with Intellectual Disability (ID) from birth to death in order to plan future services as they survive longer.

The transitions from home to supported accommodation for people with Intellectual Disability (ID) from birth to death in order to plan future services as they survive longer.

 The transitions from home to supported accommodation for people with Intellectual Disability (ID) from birth to death in order to plan future services as they survive longer.

The transitions from home to supported accommodation for people with Intellectual Disability (ID) from birth to death in order to plan future services as they survive longer.

Using rich picture in analysing the integrated nature of programming a construction project throughout its lifecycle
Using rich picture in analysing the integrated nature of programming a construction project throughout its lifecycle
Using rich picture in analysing the integrated nature of programming a construction project throughout its lifecycle
Using rich picture in analysing the integrated nature of programming a construction project throughout its lifecycle
WIP unfolding for trainee modeller AD to provide context and direction for 2018 CCP work and beyond. See also Early Childhood intervention  IM-94482
WIP unfolding for trainee modeller AD to provide context and direction for 2018 CCP work and beyond. See also Early Childhood intervention IM-94482
Unfolding causal loop diagram story described in Rios-Ocampo and Gary 2025  article   based on Sydney Australia urban planning documents since 1968
Unfolding causal loop diagram story described in Rios-Ocampo and Gary 2025 article  based on Sydney Australia urban planning documents since 1968