Shows projection of birth and death rate over time.. This one is for Australia.
Shows projection of birth and death rate over time.. This one is for Australia.
Modelagem do estado psicológico de uma população. Inicialmente, todos os indivíduos estão no estado "Calmo". Com o passar do tempo e com as interações mútuas, há o surgimento e progressivo aumento do total de indivíduos com raiva (estado "Raivoso"). Deste estado e, com o passar do tempo, os indivídu
Modelagem do estado psicológico de uma população. Inicialmente, todos os indivíduos estão no estado "Calmo". Com o passar do tempo e com as interações mútuas, há o surgimento e progressivo aumento do total de indivíduos com raiva (estado "Raivoso"). Deste estado e, com o passar do tempo, os indivíduos podem evoluir mentalmente e atingirem o estado "Indiferente", nos quais eles se tornam indiferentes à qualquer interação. Outra possibilidade é o indivíduo se enriquecer e, assim, atingir a felicidade (estado "Feliz").
Insight Maker was utilized to demonstrate the relationship between Alienated Youth, police and Community Development. And the affect of Counselling can have on such youth. The Influence of activities was also depicted that can led to Criminal activities and Drug Abuse among such Youth. The model was
Insight Maker was utilized to demonstrate the relationship between Alienated Youth, police and Community Development. And the affect of Counselling can have on such youth. The Influence of activities was also depicted that can led to Criminal activities and Drug Abuse among such Youth. The model was made considering the youth within Burke.  

As can be seen that, the police enforcement plays a vital role, in the shaping the lives of youth. Hence, with the Increase in police force and increase in such initiates, the crime is like to decrease. Hence, the youth shall also be kept away from all  of such interactions and such Acts.

Also, the Community Development shall also play a vital role, in two folds. First it shall play a part in shaping the very mindset of youth , to indulge in positive activities and refrain from illegal activities.
Second of all, it shall provide rehabilitation to youth that have been subjected to such crimes and such events.

 It can be Concluded that, with increase in Police enforcement and Community Development, the overall crime can be reduced. The Youth thereupon will only indulge in positive activities.


There are two Variables involved in the model

1.     Police Enforcement

It measures how effectively and efficiently police go about fulfilling its duties; Identifying potential criminals and stopping them from committing crime and punishing criminal who are guilty.

2.     Community Development

Community development intervenes by changing the mindset of alienated and rehabilitated youth and hence affecting the flow towards Social Interactive Activities.

Adjusting Variables

Police enforcement can be adjusted using the slider given below. There is no choice given to adjust community development as it is affected by various factors of the society; education, culture, morals etc.


Youth engaged in Social Interactive Activities can never become alienated and hence will not go to drugs. In other words, a socially interactive youth member will be engaged in sports, education, gaming or café rather than drugs.

Youth are defined as ages 15-24, comprising of a population of 80. (ABS, 2016)


Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2016). General Community Profile. (Cat. No. 2001.0).

 This is a basic model for use with our lab section.  The full BIDE options.

This is a basic model for use with our lab section.  The full BIDE options.

This simulation examines carbon stocks and flows as a function of population.
This simulation examines carbon stocks and flows as a function of population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
 This is a basic model for use with our lab section.  The full BIDE options.

This is a basic model for use with our lab section.  The full BIDE options.

 Esta es una adaptación del Modelo del BIDE para el crecimiento poblacional. El obejtivo es determinar el numero de ingenieros por la cantidad de habitantes que necesita una region por cada 1000 habitantes

Esta es una adaptación del Modelo del BIDE para el crecimiento poblacional. El obejtivo es determinar el numero de ingenieros por la cantidad de habitantes que necesita una region por cada 1000 habitantes

Saya membuat model yaitu tentang kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah sampah plastik yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel. Contoh variabelnya adalah jumlah populasi di situ, rasio 3R dan berapa gencarnya populasi manusia di situ melakukan gerakan 3R.
Saya membuat model yaitu tentang kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah sampah plastik yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel. Contoh variabelnya adalah jumlah populasi di situ, rasio 3R dan berapa gencarnya populasi manusia di situ melakukan gerakan 3R.
Modelagem do estado psicológico de uma população. Inicialmente, todos os indivíduos estão no estado "Calmo". Com o passar do tempo e com as interações mútuas, há o surgimento e progressivo aumento do total de indivíduos com raiva (estado "Raivoso"). Deste estado e, com o passar do tempo, os indivídu
Modelagem do estado psicológico de uma população. Inicialmente, todos os indivíduos estão no estado "Calmo". Com o passar do tempo e com as interações mútuas, há o surgimento e progressivo aumento do total de indivíduos com raiva (estado "Raivoso"). Deste estado e, com o passar do tempo, os indivíduos podem evoluir mentalmente e atingirem o estado "Indiferente", nos quais eles se tornam indiferentes à qualquer interação. Outra possibilidade é o indivíduo se enriquecer e, assim, atingir a felicidade (estado "Feliz").
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Australia. You can clone this insight for other nations, just plug in the new crude birth and death rates and find the starting population in 1960.
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Australia. You can clone this insight for other nations, just plug in the new crude birth and death rates and find the starting population in 1960.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
国連が公表している人口の将来推計とOECDが公表している各種経済統計を参考にして、2000年から2100年までの人口・経済見通しを作成するためのダイナミクスモデル。     ①人口:年少(0-14歳)・再生産年齢人口(15-49歳)・後期生産年齢人口(50-64歳)・老年人口(65歳以上)にグループ分けし、出生数(再生産年齢人口×出生率)と死亡数(年代別死亡率×年代別人口の合計)を算出して総人口を推計     ②経済:2000年のGDPをストックとして、コブ=ダグラス型関数に基づき労働力人口(15歳以上人口×労働参加率)と資本ストック(総固定資本形成)および全要素生産性の成長率をフローとし、購



A simple simulation used to observe the California Yellowtail population in San Diego
A simple simulation used to observe the California Yellowtail population in San Diego
 Woodland caribou is a species at risk because of northward expansion of resource development activity.  Some herds are in dire condition and well below self-sustainability, while others are only moderately below self-sustaining levels.  Given limited conservation dollars, what are the most effectiv
Woodland caribou is a species at risk because of northward expansion of resource development activity.  Some herds are in dire condition and well below self-sustainability, while others are only moderately below self-sustaining levels.  Given limited conservation dollars, what are the most effective conservation actions, and how much money needs to be spent?  Which herds should be a priority for conservation efforts? The purpose of this model to provide insight into these difficult conservation questions.  

This model was developed by Rob Rempel and Jen Shuter, and was based in part on input from attendees of a modelling workshop ("Modelling the Caribou Questions") held at the 16th North American Caribou Workshop in Thunder Bay, Ontario, May 2016.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Morocco.
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Morocco.