Simple example of a 1D bouncing ball, where the ground is modeled as a spring. Air friction is included as a force proportional to air speed.
Simple example of a 1D bouncing ball, where the ground is modeled as a spring. Air friction is included as a force proportional to air speed.
 Grundmodell der Newtonschen Mechanik angewendet auf den Fall mit Luftreibung (z.B. Fallschirmspringen)
Grundmodell der Newtonschen Mechanik angewendet auf den Fall mit Luftreibung (z.B. Fallschirmspringen)
A PID control loop for a simple linear system Some stochasticity in the throttle and sensor ​
A PID control loop for a simple linear system
Some stochasticity in the throttle and sensor ​
Bipolar II treatment modeling using Van der Pol-like oscillators.  In this simulation an afflicted individual with Bipolar II disorder is put to treatment after 20 months the calibration of the medicine or treatment he recieves is such that it simulates the natural cycles of a "normal being". You ca
Bipolar II treatment modeling using Van der Pol-like oscillators.

In this simulation an afflicted individual with Bipolar II disorder is put to treatment after 20 months the calibration of the medicine or treatment he recieves is such that it simulates the natural cycles of a "normal being". You can note by manipulating the parameters that sometimes too much treatment disrupts equilibria. Also note that in the state diagrams there are 2 limit cycles, the lower one being the healthiest as there are less changes.
Simulation der Umlaufbahn der Erde um die Sonne
Simulation der Umlaufbahn der Erde um die Sonne
  Uma empresa de transportes precisa efetuar a entrega de uma encomenda
o mais breve possível. Para tanto, a equipe de logística analisa o trajeto
desde a empresa até o local da entrega. Ela verifica que o trajeto apresenta
dois trechos de distâncias diferentes e velocidades máximas permitidas

Uma empresa de transportes precisa efetuar a entrega de uma encomenda o mais breve possível. Para tanto, a equipe de logística analisa o trajeto desde a empresa até o local da entrega. Ela verifica que o trajeto apresenta dois trechos de distâncias diferentes e velocidades máximas permitidas diferentes. No primeiro trecho, a velocidade máxima permitida é de 80 km/h e a distância a ser percorrida é de 80 km. No segundo trecho, cujo comprimento vale 60 km, a velocidade máxima permitida é 120 km/h. Supondo que as condições de trânsito sejam favoráveis para que o veículo da empresa ande continuamente na velocidade máxima permitida, qual será o tempo necessário, em horas, para a realização da entrega? 

Fonte: Enem 2012

Clique aqui para ver uma descrição do que é Movimento Uniforme.

  ​S-Curve + Delay for Bell Curve Showing Erlang Distribution      Generation of Bell Curve from Initial Market through Delay in Pickup of Customers     This provides the beginning of an Erlang distribution model      The  Erlang distribution  is a two parameter family of continuous  probability dis
​S-Curve + Delay for Bell Curve Showing Erlang Distribution

Generation of Bell Curve from Initial Market through Delay in Pickup of Customers

This provides the beginning of an Erlang distribution model

The Erlang distribution is a two parameter family of continuous probability distributions with support . The two parameters are:

  • a positive integer 'shape' 
  • a positive real 'rate' ; sometimes the scale , the inverse of the rate is used.

An steel cylinder oscillates inside a glass tube and over confined air within a glass bottle. As consecuence one observes an oscilation of the inside presure and the inner energy (temperature).
An steel cylinder oscillates inside a glass tube and over confined air within a glass bottle. As consecuence one observes an oscilation of the inside presure and the inner energy (temperature).
In  mathematics , a  Lissajous curve   /ˈlɪsəʒuː/ , also known as  Lissajous figure  or  Bowditch curve   /ˈbaʊdɪtʃ/ , is the graph of a system of  parametric equations {\displaystyle x=A\sin(at+\delta ),\quad y=B\sin(bt),} which describe  complex harmonic motion . This family of  curves  was invest
In mathematics, a Lissajous curve /ˈlɪsəʒuː/, also known as Lissajous figure or Bowditch curve /ˈbaʊdɪtʃ/, is the graph of a system of parametric equations{\displaystyle x=A\sin(at+\delta ),\quad y=B\sin(bt),}

which describe complex harmonic motion. This family of curves was investigated by Nathaniel Bowditch in 1815, and later in more detail by Jules Antoine Lissajous in 1857.

This shows the motion of a driven damped harmonic oscillator, described in terms of the undamped natural frequency, and a frequency gamma that reflects the degree of damping, parameterized as a damping ratio gamma/natural frequency.     The oscillator is driven with a force that is a sine function o
This shows the motion of a driven damped harmonic oscillator, described in terms of the undamped natural frequency, and a frequency gamma that reflects the degree of damping, parameterized as a damping ratio gamma/natural frequency. 

The oscillator is driven with a force that is a sine function of time, with a frequency that can be varied, expressed as a forcing ratio driving frequency/natural frequency.

An accurate solution requires a small time step and RK4 as the integration algorithm.
 Ein mg 214Pb zerfällt in 214Bi, danach in 214Po, dann blitzschnell in 210Pb.
Ein mg 214Pb zerfällt in 214Bi, danach in 214Po, dann blitzschnell in 210Pb.
10 months ago