Extended from  Im-628  Supply and demand by adding control folder. See also Managing Health Services Use  IM-17566   Based on JHPPL 2015  article  Note here the framing is an economic exchange rather than a public service (needs-services-resources) or capabilities
Extended from Im-628 Supply and demand by adding control folder.
See also Managing Health Services Use IM-17566
Based on JHPPL 2015 article Note here the framing is an economic exchange rather than a public service (needs-services-resources) or capabilities
Bourke is a remote town in NSW with a population of 2634 people.  In 2013 crime figures from Bourke showed the highest assault, break-ins and car theft rates in NSW with crime spikes mostly occurring during nights and school holidays.  Over the past five years, the Aboriginal Community has come toge
Bourke is a remote town in NSW with a population of 2634 people.  In 2013 crime figures from Bourke showed the highest assault, break-ins and car theft rates in NSW with crime spikes mostly occurring during nights and school holidays.  Over the past five years, the Aboriginal Community has come together to trial a model for change, called Just Reinvest.

This  model illustrates the relationship between Community Factors (which includes social disadvantage, economic issues, family trauma) on Disengaged Youth, Crime and the impact of the Just Reinvest Program.  This model particularly illustrates the complexity of factors on outcomes and how factors are interrelated making crime a wicked problem that is not easily viewed in isolation from the socio-economic and social causes.

Youth in Burke is set based on Australian Bureau of Statistics levels but is easily modified to track population changes on modelling
Disengaged Youth are those with problematic behaviour 
Crime Levels are those Disengaged Youth who go on to commit a crime
Early Intervention Programs are those run through Just Reinvest as part of the community program - the quantity of these can be adjusted.

Data of Note
- Economic Impact is five times cost of running the program
- Justice Impacts are roughly 66% and Non-Justice Impacts make up the remaining 33%.

While the UN defines "Youth" as 15 - 24 year olds, the KPMG report outlines programs for 10 - 24 year olds therefore in the context of Bourke the 10 - 24 year old age bracket is considered "Youths".  This has been rounded to 700 people (ABS 2016 Census).

- It is estmated 70% of Bourke Youths will have problematic behaviour with 50% of those going on to commit a crime and be caught
- Cost of Early Intervention Youth Program is estimated at $100 per person per crime


While this model shows the impacts and benefits of additional funding on early intervention programs and the flow on affects this has on crime, it does not take into account the underlying cultural and social disadvantage issues that are often motivators for crime nor does this model take into account issues such as cultural prejudice and bias, over-policing or additional early intervention methods.
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
 Rich picture version of Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model, with the addition of clinical reasoning cycle concepts from T Levett-Jones et al Nurse Education Today 30 (2010) 515-520

Rich picture version of Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model, with the addition of clinical reasoning cycle concepts from T Levett-Jones et al Nurse Education Today 30 (2010) 515-520

 This model can be used to investigate how government interventions affect transmission and mortality associated with COVID-19 during an outbreak, and how these interventions impact on the economic activities in Burnie, Tasmania.     Assumptions can be made that effective government intervention can
This model can be used to investigate how government interventions affect transmission and mortality associated with COVID-19 during an outbreak, and how these interventions impact on the economic activities in Burnie, Tasmania.

Assumptions can be made that effective government intervention can reduce the number of people infected, whereas the local economy is severely impacted.

1. When COVID-19 case are more than 10, government policy will be triggered.

2. Testing rate is very crucial to understanding the spread of the pandemic and responding appropriately.

Overview of Part E Ch 20 to 24 of Mitchell Wray and Watts Textbook see  IM-164967  for book overview
Overview of Part E Ch 20 to 24 of Mitchell Wray and Watts Textbook see IM-164967 for book overview
 Introduction:  This model aims to show that how the Tasmania government's COVID-19 policy can address the spread of the pandemic and in what way these policies can damage the economy.        Assumption:    Variables such as infection rate, death rate and the recovery rate are influenced by the actu
This model aims to show that how the Tasmania government's COVID-19 policy can address the spread of the pandemic and in what way these policies can damage the economy.

Variables such as infection rate, death rate and the recovery rate are influenced by the actual situation.
The government will implement stricter travel bans and social distant policies as there are more cases.
Government policies reduce infection and limit economic growth at the same time.
A greater number of COVID-19 cases has a negative effect on the economy.

Interesting insights:
A higher testing rate will make the infection increase and the infection rate will slightly increase as well. 
Government policies are effective to lower the infection, however, they will damage the local economy. While the higher number of COVID-19 cases also influences economic activities.
 It is a decision tree, followed by Markov model. Cost-effectiveness of LMS vs biopsy for detection of NASH among DM patients, followed by treatment by semiglutidetide
It is a decision tree, followed by Markov model. Cost-effectiveness of LMS vs biopsy for detection of NASH among DM patients, followed by treatment by semiglutidetide
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
 Acest model este adaptat după reprezentarea lui Harmut Bossel, în lucrarea  "System Zoo 3 Simulation Models, Economy, Society, Development."  Utilizarea modelului ne poate ajuta pentru a vizualiza evolutia populatiei pe grupe de varsta sau pentru a gestiona probleme cum ar fi ocuparea forței de mun
Acest model este adaptat după reprezentarea lui Harmut Bossel, în lucrarea  "System Zoo 3 Simulation Models, Economy, Society, Development."
Utilizarea modelului ne poate ajuta pentru a vizualiza evolutia populatiei pe grupe de varsta sau pentru a gestiona probleme cum ar fi ocuparea forței de muncă.
国連が公表している人口の将来推計とOECDが公表している各種経済統計を参考にして、2000年から2100年までの人口・経済見通しを作成するためのダイナミクスモデル。     ①人口:年少(0-14歳)・再生産年齢人口(15-49歳)・後期生産年齢人口(50-64歳)・老年人口(65歳以上)にグループ分けし、出生数(再生産年齢人口×出生率)と死亡数(年代別死亡率×年代別人口の合計)を算出して総人口を推計     ②経済:2000年のGDPをストックとして、コブ=ダグラス型関数に基づき労働力人口(15歳以上人口×労働参加率)と資本ストック(総固定資本形成)および全要素生産性の成長率をフローとし、購



Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
The statement that there can be no economic activity
without  energy and that fossil fuels are
finite contrasts with the fact that money is not finite and can be created by governments
via their central banks at zero marginal cost whenever needed.

 An important fact about COAL, GAS and OIL (especia
The statement that there can be no economic activity without  energy and that fossil fuels are finite contrasts with the fact that money is not finite and can be created by governments via their central banks at zero marginal cost whenever needed.

An important fact about COAL, GAS and OIL (especially when produced via fracking) is that their net energy ratios are falling rapidly. In other words the energy needed to extract a given quantity of fossil fuels is constantly increasing. The falling ratio 'EROI' (Energy Return on Energy Invested ) provides yet another warning that we can no longer rely on fossil fuels to power our economies. In 1940 it took the energy of only one barrel of oil to extract 100. Today the energy of 1 barrel of oil will yield only 15. We cannot wait until the ratio falls to 1/1 before we invest seriously in alternative sources of energy, because by then industrial society as we know it doday will have ceased to exist. An EROI of 1:1 means that it takes the energy of one barrel of oil to extract one barrel of oil - oil production would simply stop! 

 Goodwin cycle  IM-2010  with debt and taxes added, modified from Steve Keen's illustration of Hyman Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis "stability begets instability". This can be extended by adding the Ponzi effect of borrowing for speculative investment.

Goodwin cycle IM-2010 with debt and taxes added, modified from Steve Keen's illustration of Hyman Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis "stability begets instability". This can be extended by adding the Ponzi effect of borrowing for speculative investment.