Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Saya membuat model yaitu tentang kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah sampah plastik yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel. Contoh variabelnya adalah jumlah populasi di situ, rasio 3R dan berapa gencarnya populasi manusia di situ melakukan gerakan 3R.
Saya membuat model yaitu tentang kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah sampah plastik yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel. Contoh variabelnya adalah jumlah populasi di situ, rasio 3R dan berapa gencarnya populasi manusia di situ melakukan gerakan 3R.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
 This is a basic model for use with our lab section.  The full BIDE options.

This is a basic model for use with our lab section.  The full BIDE options.

 Cloned from Ash Moran's  Insight 1256  Systems and Models (Hartmut Bossel) Figure 2.16. Notation matches the Appendix of Marten Scheffer's 2009  Book  Critical Transitions in Nature and Society p329 

Cloned from Ash Moran's Insight 1256 Systems and Models (Hartmut Bossel) Figure 2.16. Notation matches the Appendix of Marten Scheffer's 2009 Book Critical Transitions in Nature and Society p329 

Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
 This is a basic BIDE (birth, immigration, death, emigration) model.  Not all parts are implemented, however Birth and Death are.

This is a basic BIDE (birth, immigration, death, emigration) model.  Not all parts are implemented, however Birth and Death are.

Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Morocco.
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Morocco.
Modelagem do estado psicológico de uma população. Inicialmente, todos os indivíduos estão no estado "Calmo". Com o passar do tempo e com as interações mútuas, há o surgimento e progressivo aumento do total de indivíduos com raiva (estado "Raivoso"). Deste estado e, com o passar do tempo, os indivídu
Modelagem do estado psicológico de uma população. Inicialmente, todos os indivíduos estão no estado "Calmo". Com o passar do tempo e com as interações mútuas, há o surgimento e progressivo aumento do total de indivíduos com raiva (estado "Raivoso"). Deste estado e, com o passar do tempo, os indivíduos podem evoluir mentalmente e atingirem o estado "Indiferente", nos quais eles se tornam indiferentes à qualquer interação. Outra possibilidade é o indivíduo se enriquecer e, assim, atingir a felicidade (estado "Feliz").
 Exploring the conditions of permanent coexistence, rather than gradual disappearance of disadvantaged competitors. ​Z506 p32-35 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

Exploring the conditions of permanent coexistence, rather than gradual disappearance of disadvantaged competitors. ​Z506 p32-35 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

  Between 1999 and 2006 Koala population had dropped 26% in Queensland.   By 2008 it was estimated there were around 2300 Koalas with more than a 50% population loss in less than 3 years.   Main threats for Koala survival are a loss of habitat, vehicular trauma, dog attacks, urbanisation, disease an
Here we model the population of France given data between 1960 and 2013 from We used the crude birth rate and crude death rate for every 5 years since 1960 to 2005, and the rates every year from 2005 to 2013. To forecast, we used the slope of the net birth rate to calculate when the n
Here we model the population of France given data between 1960 and 2013 from We used the crude birth rate and crude death rate for every 5 years since 1960 to 2005, and the rates every year from 2005 to 2013. To forecast, we used the slope of the net birth rate to calculate when the net birth rate would be zero, and used this year for our birth and death rates to are equal to zero. We assumed no net movement of people into or out of France.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Shows a projection of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Tanzania.
Shows a projection of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Tanzania.
 This is a basic model for use with our lab section.  The full BIDE options.

This is a basic model for use with our lab section.  The full BIDE options.

A simplified population model with three age groups
A simplified population model with three age groups