Simple mock-up model of how prioritizing various push-pull factors impacts the size of the immigrant population over time as well as economic benefits to the U.S. economy.
Simple mock-up model of how prioritizing various push-pull factors impacts the size of the immigrant population over time as well as economic benefits to the U.S. economy.
First model with population 1000 and simulation for 20 years fixed.
First model with population 1000 and simulation for 20 years fixed.
A quick population rate model to help get acquainted to modular designs.
A quick population rate model to help get acquainted to modular designs.
Modelagem do estado psicológico de uma população. Inicialmente, todos os indivíduos estão no estado "Calmo". Com o passar do tempo e com as interações mútuas, há o surgimento e progressivo aumento do total de indivíduos com raiva (estado "Raivoso"). Deste estado e, com o passar do tempo, os indivídu
Modelagem do estado psicológico de uma população. Inicialmente, todos os indivíduos estão no estado "Calmo". Com o passar do tempo e com as interações mútuas, há o surgimento e progressivo aumento do total de indivíduos com raiva (estado "Raivoso"). Deste estado e, com o passar do tempo, os indivíduos podem evoluir mentalmente e atingirem o estado "Indiferente", nos quais eles se tornam indiferentes à qualquer interação. Outra possibilidade é o indivíduo se enriquecer e, assim, atingir a felicidade (estado "Feliz"). (Esse modelo foi feito em conjunto com João Schoralick)
This model shows an exponential growing population
This model shows an exponential growing population
Шөнийн цагт төрөлт бага, үхэл их байхаар LookUp оруулж өгсөн тоо толгойн загвар юм.
Шөнийн цагт төрөлт бага, үхэл их байхаар LookUp оруулж өгсөн тоо толгойн загвар юм.
A collaborative class project with each participant creating an animal/plant sub-model​ to explore the greater population/community dynamics of the Yellowstone ecosystem.
A collaborative class project with each participant creating an animal/plant sub-model​ to explore the greater population/community dynamics of the Yellowstone ecosystem.
A quick population rate model to help get acquainted to modular designs.
A quick population rate model to help get acquainted to modular designs.
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'poli
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'political influence' on quota setting (the assumption here is that you have good estimates of recruitment and stock assessments that form the basis of 'scientific advice' and then 'political influnce' that desires increased quota beyond the scientific advice).
31 11 months ago
WIP integrating Epidemiology Systems Science and Policy making, mainly based on books and AJE articles by Keyes and Galea
WIP integrating Epidemiology Systems Science and Policy making, mainly based on books and AJE articles by Keyes and Galea
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Ghana. You can clone this insight for other nations, just plug in the new crude birth and death rates and find the starting population in 1960.
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Ghana. You can clone this insight for other nations, just plug in the new crude birth and death rates and find the starting population in 1960.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Influence of migration on the number of working-age population.
Adapted from Hartmut Bossel's "System Zoo 3 Simulation Models, Economy, Society, Development."  ​Population model where the population is summarized in four age groups (children, parents, older people, old people). Used as a base population model for dealing with issues such as employment, care for
Adapted from Hartmut Bossel's "System Zoo 3 Simulation Models, Economy, Society, Development."

​Population model where the population is summarized in four age groups (children, parents, older people, old people). Used as a base population model for dealing with issues such as employment, care for the elderly, pensions dynamics, etc.
This simulation examines carrying capacity, based on a given cropland input in acres.
This simulation examines carrying capacity, based on a given cropland input in acres.
UDB101 Assignment 1D  Koala Population Case Study  Sian Phillips
UDB101 Assignment 1D

Koala Population Case Study

Sian Phillips

Show projection of birth and death rate over time for Italy.
Show projection of birth and death rate over time for Italy.