analogy Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “analogy”.

 Adapted from Fig 13.1 p.523 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007),  Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice   Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-9

Adapted from Fig 13.1 p.523 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007), Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice  Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-9

3 months ago
 A Launchpad for Applied Social Work Theory Metaphors and Connections see  review .Adapted from Table 14.3 p563 and Table 14.4 p564 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007),  Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice   Thomson

A Launchpad for Applied Social Work Theory Metaphors and Connections see review.Adapted from Table 14.3 p563 and Table 14.4 p564 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007), Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice  Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-94 Jackson book CST and healthcare video added in 2024

3 months ago
Unfolding story based on Kurt Kreuger's Systems Science Workshop using a 2009 bmj  article , and Ted Marmor's book  chapter  informed by Emery Roe's recasting using analogy  Insight
Unfolding story based on Kurt Kreuger's Systems Science Workshop using a 2009 bmj article, and Ted Marmor's book chapter informed by Emery Roe's recasting using analogy Insight
Detail from Emery Roe's  When Complex is as Simple as it gets..Insight  and Hans Blumenberg’s 1997 Shipwreck with Spectator: Paradigm
of a Metaphor for Existence.  essay
Detail from Emery Roe's When Complex is as Simple as it gets..Insight and Hans Blumenberg’s 1997 Shipwreck with Spectator: Paradigm of a Metaphor for Existence. essay
3 months ago