Description:   This is a system dynamics model of COVID-19 outbreak in Burnie which shows the process of infections and how  government responses, impact on the local economy.       First part is outbreak model, we can know that when people is infected, there are two situations. One is that he recov

This is a system dynamics model of COVID-19 outbreak in Burnie which shows the process of infections and how  government responses, impact on the local economy.  

First part is outbreak model, we can know that when people is infected, there are two situations. One is that he recovers from  treatment, but even if he recovered, the immunity loss rate increase, makes him to become infected again. The other situation is death. In this outbreak, the government's health policies (ban on non-essential trips, closure of non-essential retailers, limits on public gatherings and quarantine )  help to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 new cases. Moreover,  government legislation is dependent on  number of COVID-19 cases and testing rates. 

 Second part: the model of Govt legislation and economic impact. Gov policy can help to reduce infection rate and local economy at same way. The increase of number of COVID-19 cases has a negative impact on local Tourism industry and economic growth rate. On the other hand, Govt legislation also can be change when reported COVID-19 case are less or equal to 10.

Eastern oyster growth model calibrated for Long Island Sound Developed and implemented by Joao G. Ferreira and Camille Saurel; growth data from Eva Galimany, Gary Wickfors, and Julie Rose; driver data from Julie Rose and Suzanne Bricker; Culture practice from the REServ team and Tessa Getchis. This
Eastern oyster growth model calibrated for Long Island Sound
Developed and implemented by Joao G. Ferreira and Camille Saurel; growth data from Eva Galimany, Gary Wickfors, and Julie Rose; driver data from Julie Rose and Suzanne Bricker; Culture practice from the REServ team and Tessa Getchis. This model is a workbench for combining ecological and economic components for REServ. Economic component added by Trina Wellman.

This is a one box model for an idealized farm with one million oysters seeded (one hectare @ a stocking density of 100 oysters per square meter)

1. Run WinShell individual growth model for one year with Long Island Sound growth drivers;

2. Determine the scope for growth (in dry tissue weight per day) for oysters centered on the five weight classes)
3. Apply a classic population dynamics equation:

dn(s,t)/dt = -d[n(s,t)g(s,t)]/ds - u(s)n(s,t)

s: Weight (g)
t: Time
n: Number of individuals of weight s
g: Scope for growth (g day-1)
u: Mortality rate (day-1)

4. Set mortality at 30% per year, slider allows scenarios from 30% to 80% per year

5. Determine harvestable biomass, i.e. weight class 5, 40-50 g (roughly three inches length)
WIP based on Emery Roe's 2013  book . See also Dynamics in Action  IM-3239  for more on behavior and The Art of the State  IM-11962  for more on Grid-Group Cultural Theory
WIP based on Emery Roe's 2013 book. See also Dynamics in Action IM-3239 for more on behavior and The Art of the State IM-11962 for more on Grid-Group Cultural Theory
 More information in the paper submitted to the Engineering Journal (Elsevier). Dynamic Cost-Benefit Analysis of Digitalization in the Energy Industry
More information in the paper submitted to the Engineering Journal (Elsevier). Dynamic Cost-Benefit Analysis of Digitalization in the Energy Industry
8 months ago
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
WIP Summary of Miller 2015 PCD  article  for the Compelling Case for Prevention Project Scoping Study. See also economic view  IM 69774  (private)  Simplified at  IM-70351 Tool
WIP Summary of Miller 2015 PCD article for the Compelling Case for Prevention Project Scoping Study.
See also economic view IM 69774 (private)
Simplified at IM-70351 Tool
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
Ocean/atmosphere/biosphere model tuned for interactive economics-based simulations from Y2k on.
 This model simulates a COVID outbreak occurring at Burnie, Tasmania.
It links the extent to the pandemic with governments intervention policies
aiming to limit the spread of the virus. The other part of the model illustrates
how will the COVID statistics and the government enforcement jointly influ

This model simulates a COVID outbreak occurring at Burnie, Tasmania. It links the extent to the pandemic with governments intervention policies aiming to limit the spread of the virus. The other part of the model illustrates how will the COVID statistics and the government enforcement jointly influence the economic environment in the community. A number of variables are taken into account, indicating positive or negative relationship in the infection and the economy model respectively.



·         Government takes responsive actions when the number of acquired cases exceeds 10.

·         Government’s prompt actions, involving closure of the state border, lockdown within the city, plans on mandatory vaccination and testing, effectively control the infection status.

·         Economic activities are reduced due to stagnation in statewide tourism, closure of brick-and-mortar businesses, and increased unemployment rate, as results of government restrictions.



Government’s rapid intervention can effectively reduce the infected cases. The national vaccination rollout campaign raises vaccination rate in Australians, and particularly influence the death rate in the infection model. Please drag the slider of vaccination to a higher rate and run the model to compare the outcomes.

Although local economy is negatively affected by government restriction policies, consumer demand in online shopping and government support payments neutralize the negative impact on economy and maintain the level of economic activities when infections get controlled. 

Implementation of a DSGE Model solved in a Macroeconomics class by Harald Uhlig ( link ), using Rational Expectations, in this case, the Hansens Real Business Cycle Model. It shows the capacity of implementing Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model Analysis using System Dynamics.
Implementation of a DSGE Model solved in a Macroeconomics class by Harald Uhlig (link), using Rational Expectations, in this case, the Hansens Real Business Cycle Model.
It shows the capacity of implementing Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model Analysis using System Dynamics.
国連が公表している人口の将来推計とOECDが公表している各種経済統計を参考にして、2000年から2100年までの人口・経済見通しを作成するためのダイナミクスモデル。     ①人口:年少(0-14歳)・再生産年齢人口(15-49歳)・後期生産年齢人口(50-64歳)・老年人口(65歳以上)にグループ分けし、出生数(再生産年齢人口×出生率)と死亡数(年代別死亡率×年代別人口の合計)を算出して総人口を推計     ②経済:2000年のGDPをストックとして、コブ=ダグラス型関数に基づき労働力人口(15歳以上人口×労働参加率)と資本ストック(総固定資本形成)および全要素生産性の成長率をフローとし、購


