Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Ghana. You can clone this insight for other nations, just plug in the new crude birth and death rates and find the starting population in 1960.
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Ghana. You can clone this insight for other nations, just plug in the new crude birth and death rates and find the starting population in 1960.
Show projection of birth and death rate over time for Italy.
Show projection of birth and death rate over time for Italy.
 This is a basic BIDE (birth, immigration, death, emigration) model.  Not all parts are implemented, however Birth and Death are.

This is a basic BIDE (birth, immigration, death, emigration) model.  Not all parts are implemented, however Birth and Death are.

 This is a basic BIDE (birth, immigration, death, emigration) model.  Not all parts are implemented, however Birth and Death are.

This is a basic BIDE (birth, immigration, death, emigration) model.  Not all parts are implemented, however Birth and Death are.

 This is a basic BIDE (birth, immigration, death, emigration) model.  Not all parts are implemented, however Birth and Death are.

This is a basic BIDE (birth, immigration, death, emigration) model.  Not all parts are implemented, however Birth and Death are.

  ​Climate Sector Boundary Diagram By Guy Lakeman    Climate, Weather, Ecology, Economics, Population, Welfare, Energy, Policy, CO2, Carbon Cycle, GHG (green house gasses, combined effects)      As general population is composed of 85% with an education level of a 12 grader or less (a 17 year old),
​Climate Sector Boundary Diagram By Guy Lakeman
 Climate, Weather, Ecology, Economics, Population, Welfare, Energy, Policy, CO2, Carbon Cycle, GHG (green house gasses, combined effects)

As general population is composed of 85% with an education level of a 12 grader or less (a 17 year old), a simple block of components concerning the health of the planet needs to be broken down into simple blocks.
Perhaps this picture will show the basics on which to vote for a sustained healthy future
Democracy is only as good as the ability of the voters to FULLY understand the implications of the policies on which they vote., both context and the various perspectives.   National voting of unqualified voters on specific policy issues is the sign of corrupt manipulation.

 Acest model este adaptat după reprezentarea lui Harmut Bossel, în lucrarea  "System Zoo 3 Simulation Models, Economy, Society, Development."  Utilizarea modelului ne poate ajuta pentru a vizualiza evolutia populatiei pe grupe de varsta sau pentru a gestiona probleme cum ar fi ocuparea forței de mun
Acest model este adaptat după reprezentarea lui Harmut Bossel, în lucrarea  "System Zoo 3 Simulation Models, Economy, Society, Development."
Utilizarea modelului ne poate ajuta pentru a vizualiza evolutia populatiei pe grupe de varsta sau pentru a gestiona probleme cum ar fi ocuparea forței de muncă.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
Simulation of how tiger population and anti poaching efforts effect the black market value of tiger organs.
The poverty cycle.  My friend gave me the topic "poverty" and so I made this.
The poverty cycle.  My friend gave me the topic "poverty" and so I made this.
A collaborative class project with each participant creating an animal/plant sub-model​ to explore the greater population/community dynamics of the Yellowstone ecosystem.
A collaborative class project with each participant creating an animal/plant sub-model​ to explore the greater population/community dynamics of the Yellowstone ecosystem.
Симуляция того, как популяция животного и методы борьбы с браконьерством влияют на цену данного животного на чёрном рынке.
Симуляция того, как популяция животного и методы борьбы с браконьерством влияют на цену данного животного на чёрном рынке.
A collaborative class project with each participant creating an animal/plant sub-model​ to explore the greater population/community dynamics of the Yellowstone ecosystem.
A collaborative class project with each participant creating an animal/plant sub-model​ to explore the greater population/community dynamics of the Yellowstone ecosystem.
A simplified population model with three age groups
A simplified population model with three age groups
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Indonesia. You can clone this insight for other nations, just plug in the new crude birth and death rates and find the starting population in 1960.
Show relation of birth and death rate over time, creating the elements of the demographic transition. This one is for Indonesia. You can clone this insight for other nations, just plug in the new crude birth and death rates and find the starting population in 1960.