Production Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Production”.

Feeding product to a packing Machine. The product is stored in a rotating bin and feed to the screw using a Plough
Feeding product to a packing Machine.
The product is stored in a rotating bin and feed to the screw using a Plough
Stock levels based on random sales and a set reorder point
Stock levels based on random sales and a set reorder point
 Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.  Derived from  Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement  

Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.

Derived from Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement by Repenning and Sterman.

An element of The Perspectives Project at Credit Never Happened at

 Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.  Derived from  Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement  

Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.

Derived from Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement by Repenning and Sterman.

 Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.  Derived from  Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement  

Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.

Derived from Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement by Repenning and Sterman.

An element of The Perspectives Project at Credit Never Happened at

 Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.  Derived from  Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement  

Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.

Derived from Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement by Repenning and Sterman.

An element of The Perspectives Project at Credit Never Happened at

 A production push model of a series hook up of machines in a discrete production environment

A production push model of a series hook up of machines in a discrete production environment

 Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.  Derived from  Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement  

Faced with a performance gap the two most obvious responses are to work harder or work smarter. There are trade offs associated with each, some obvious, some not so obvious.

Derived from Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement by Repenning and Sterman.


 A production push model of a series hook up of machines in a discrete production environment

A production push model of a series hook up of machines in a discrete production environment

MRP determines production requirements based on forecasted demand for this week and next week along with the previous weeks stock levels and a safety stock
MRP determines production requirements based on forecasted demand for this week and next week along with the previous weeks stock levels and a safety stock
 This shall become an illustration of the Chapter 5 "Pathways to a Post-Capitalist World" of the book "Less is More" from Jason Hickel. There are 5 suggested steps to obtain this: 1. End planned obsolescence; 2. Cut advertising; 3. Shift from ownership to usership; 4. End food waste; 5. Scale down e
This shall become an illustration of the Chapter 5 "Pathways to a Post-Capitalist World" of the book "Less is More" from Jason Hickel. There are 5 suggested steps to obtain this: 1. End planned obsolescence; 2. Cut advertising; 3. Shift from ownership to usership; 4. End food waste; 5. Scale down ecologically destructive industries. You will find these aspects in the diagram. In the chapter are some other aspect not covered yet in this diagram. 

Degrowth is not about reducing GDP. It is about reducing the material and energy throughput of the economy to bring it back into balance with the living world, while distributing income and resources more fairly, liberating people from needless work, and investing in the public goods that people need to thrive.
9 months ago
It is a Balanced Loop Model of Production. Production is driven by the gap between  Target Inventory and Inventory as well as orders.
It is a Balanced Loop Model of Production. Production is driven by the gap between  Target Inventory and Inventory as well as orders.
​Cílem modelu je zachytit stav vytíženosti bezpečnostních analytiků v  závislosti na možných událostech, jenž mohou nastat v oddělení   kybernetické bezpečnosti. Model zachycuje události nastalé v řádu   hodin, během chodu oddělení.    V tomto zjednodušeném model analytici zpracovávají příchozí   be
​Cílem modelu je zachytit stav vytíženosti bezpečnostních analytiků v 
závislosti na možných událostech, jenž mohou nastat v oddělení 
kybernetické bezpečnosti. Model zachycuje události nastalé v řádu 
hodin, během chodu oddělení.

V tomto zjednodušeném model analytici zpracovávají příchozí 

bezpečnostní incidenty. Ve zbylém čase se věnují vývoji nových 

bezpečnostních opatření. Míra příchodu bezpečnostních incidentů 

závisí na úrovni zastarání organizace, respektive vybavení a 

připravenosti čelit novým kybernetickým hrozbám. Zastarávání

závisí na několika faktorech. V první ředě je ovlivněno přívalem nově

odhalených, či vzniklých zranitelností. Dále je ovlivněnou mírou

vytíženosti pracovníků, kteří ve zbylém čase zranitelnosti odstraňují 

vývojem nových bezpečnostních opatření. Vznik nových zranitelností

je pak ovlivněn faktorem zastarání a počtem hackerů útočících na 

organizaci. V závislosti na míře zastarání, jsou pak hackeři postupně 

odhalováni a chytáni.

​Cílem modelu je zachytit stav vytíženosti bezpečnostních analytiků v  závislosti na možných událostech, jenž mohou nastat v oddělení   kybernetické bezpečnosti. Model zachycuje události nastalé v řádu   hodin, během chodu oddělení.    V tomto zjednodušeném model analytici zpracovávají příchozí   be
​Cílem modelu je zachytit stav vytíženosti bezpečnostních analytiků v 
závislosti na možných událostech, jenž mohou nastat v oddělení 
kybernetické bezpečnosti. Model zachycuje události nastalé v řádu 
hodin, během chodu oddělení.

V tomto zjednodušeném model analytici zpracovávají příchozí 

bezpečnostní incidenty. Ve zbylém čase se věnují vývoji nových 

bezpečnostních opatření. Míra příchodu bezpečnostních incidentů 

závisí na úrovni zastarání organizace, respektive vybavení a 

připravenosti čelit novým kybernetickým hrozbám. Zastarávání

závisí na několika faktorech. V první ředě je ovlivněno přívalem nově

odhalených, či vzniklých zranitelností. Dále je ovlivněnou mírou

vytíženosti pracovníků, kteří ve zbylém čase zranitelnosti odstraňují 

vývojem nových bezpečnostních opatření. Vznik nových zranitelností

je pak ovlivněn faktorem zastarání a počtem hackerů útočících na 

organizaci. V závislosti na míře zastarání, jsou pak hackeři postupně 

odhalováni a chytáni.

Diagram kauzálních smyček:

showing the relationship between production and inventory
showing the relationship between production and inventory