This model simulates a COVID outbreak occurring at Burnie, Tasmania.
It links the extent to the pandemic with governments intervention policies
aiming to limit the spread of the virus. The other part of the model illustrates
how will the COVID statistics and the government enforcement jointly influence
the economic environment in the community. A number of variables are taken into
account, indicating positive or negative relationship in the infection and the
economy model respectively.
Government takes responsive actions when the
number of acquired cases exceeds 10.
Government’s prompt actions, involving closure
of the state border, lockdown within the city, plans on mandatory vaccination
and testing, effectively control the infection status.
Economic activities are reduced due to stagnation
in statewide tourism, closure of brick-and-mortar businesses, and increased unemployment
rate, as results of government restrictions.
Government’s rapid intervention can effectively reduce the
infected cases. The national vaccination rollout campaign raises vaccination
rate in Australians, and particularly influence the death rate in the infection
model. Please drag the slider of vaccination to a higher rate and run the model
to compare the outcomes.
Although local economy is negatively affected by government restriction
policies, consumer demand in online shopping and government support payments
neutralize the negative impact on economy and maintain the level of economic
activities when infections get controlled.