Marketing Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Marketing”.

This is a model developed with Sarah's and Duncan's help on the 16/5/2017
This is a model developed with Sarah's and Duncan's help on the 16/5/2017
This simple model describes how potential customers are converted into customers through advertising and word of mouth.
This simple model describes how potential customers are converted into customers through advertising and word of mouth.
 Model Explanation  This complex system model visualizes relationships between
the investment on police and community and the change of youth crime rate in
Bourke, NSW. 



 Total number of youth population (aged 13 – 19 years old) in
Bourke: 1,000 


 80% of Bourke youth p
Model Explanation

This complex system model visualizes relationships between the investment on police and community and the change of youth crime rate in Bourke, NSW.



Total number of youth population (aged 13 – 19 years old) in Bourke: 1,000


80% of Bourke youth population are assumed to behave negatively.

50% of alienated teenagers are assumed to breach of law or rules.

70% of alienated youth who breach of law or rules will be arrested by police.

60% of teenagers arrested are assumed to be convicted and detained.

40% of teenagers arrested are assumed not to be convicted and detained.

70% of teenagers detained are assumed to participate in juvenile community programs after being released.

70% of teenagers participated in community programs will rehabilitate.



Drugs & Alcohol, Domestic violence, Long-term unemployment

Police expenses

Community funding



It can be seen that the number of alienated youth and the crime rate will decline over time when investing more on police and juvenile community programs.

Conceptual Model of Semantic Search Query from Google Analytics data.
Conceptual Model of Semantic Search Query from Google Analytics data.
Simple customer growth stock and flow model that considers the impact of referrals, conversion rate and market size.
Simple customer growth stock and flow model that considers the impact of referrals, conversion rate and market size.
A basic production model showing negative and positive loops, often called a balancing model. Thanks  Gene.
A basic production model showing negative and positive loops, often called a balancing model.
A very simple Bass model adopted from the Insight maker page
A very simple Bass model adopted from the Insight maker page
在提升銷售業績的過程中, 分析增強環路與調節環路:)    [增強環路1]:為了提升營業額,而投入更多行銷費用,品牌知名度上升,收入也持續增加 :))      [調節環路1]:當行銷支出越多時,會使產品的利潤下滑,也降低了整體銷售額能賺到的利潤!     [調節環路2]: 為了衝業績,工作時間就必須拉長,壓力變大導致工作效率下降而成長幅度趨緩! 

[增強環路1]:為了提升營業額,而投入更多行銷費用,品牌知名度上升,收入也持續增加 :)) 


[調節環路2]: 為了衝業績,工作時間就必須拉長,壓力變大導致工作效率下降而成長幅度趨緩! 

Assuming there are only product A & B in the market (On the diagram, change the value of the transition "Choose C" into zero - as if Product C did not exist), there is a certain level of acceptance of product A and/or B. In this model, product B is less preferred than Product A. When Product C i
Assuming there are only product A & B in the market (On the diagram, change the value of the transition "Choose C" into zero - as if Product C did not exist), there is a certain level of acceptance of product A and/or B. In this model, product B is less preferred than Product A. When Product C is introduced into the market (on the diagram, change the value of the transition "Choose C" into a positive value (Since it is a probability, the value should be within 0 & 1 range only). With this introduction, you will see that Product B is replaced almost totally by Product C. This is called "decoy effect' in marketing.

In this example, we assume that Product A is a selection priority. Product B is only considered when the customers are unhappy with Product A (with a probability). Therefore, at the initial stage, product B starts at a lower position than Product A. For that reason, product B also suffers some disadvantages as its growth is likely to be determined by the number of unhappy customers of Product A.  

By manipulating the value of the transition "Choose C" you will see that the higher it is, the more likely that Product C will surpass Product B while performance of Product A is unchanged. It implies that as the owner of Product C - and as a late comer, for instance, you just need to deal with Product B and take over its market share. 

Note that we assume the three products have no differences, except that Product A is the first consideration of the customers.  
Stock and flow model to capture relationship between different factors that impact store demo performance
Stock and flow model to capture relationship between different factors that impact store demo performance
1st Long Test for DEC140 Ateneo de Manila University
1st Long Test for DEC140 Ateneo de Manila University
My first Insight Maker experiment. A straightforward model in which we start with a fixed number of prospects, convert them into customers, then lose some who become former customers.
My first Insight Maker experiment. A straightforward model in which we start with a fixed number of prospects, convert them into customers, then lose some who become former customers.
The following insight shows the level of crime in the town of Bourke in comparison to the levels of Police and Community Engagement
The following insight shows the level of crime in the town of Bourke in comparison to the levels of Police and Community Engagement
 The model simulates youth crime and program that has impacted on the levels of crime committed.
The model simulates youth crime and program that has impacted on the levels of crime committed.