Overview of theory from Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology Special Issue 2016 From the century of the genome to the century of the organism: New theoretical approaches  paper  on organization. See  example1 insight  and  example 2 insight  Compare with Bogdanov (click tag)
Overview of theory from Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology Special Issue 2016 From the century of the genome to the century of the organism: New theoretical approaches paper on organization. See example1 insight and example 2 insight Compare with Bogdanov (click tag)
This is a stock-flow consistent model, namely a modified version of the simplest (PC) model with money and boonds.   Godley/Lavoie (2006), chapter 4    (I had to change the equation for consumption demand. The disposable income now enters with a time lag of one period. Otherwise the model would be r
This is a stock-flow consistent model, namely a modified version of the simplest (PC) model with money and boonds.

Godley/Lavoie (2006), chapter 4

(I had to change the equation for consumption demand. The disposable income now enters with a time lag of one period. Otherwise the model would be recursive and would not work in Insight Maker. Thanks to Gene for support.)

designed by Dirk Ehnts (blog)
If I could understand the logic in how '+' and '-' arrows work in this diagram, I would be thrilled! This would solve a lot of confusion I experience with many other diagrams. If I understand it here, I can understand it there.    I copied this diagram exactly, the first one, from the MIT paper that
If I could understand the logic in how '+' and '-' arrows work in this diagram, I would be thrilled! This would solve a lot of confusion I experience with many other diagrams. If I understand it here, I can understand it there.

I copied this diagram exactly, the first one, from the MIT paper that is the basis for Gene's diagram, "Credit Never Happened..." found in segment 5, Thinking Systemically.

I also copied the Note, exactly, from the bottom of that first diagram so I could study it to figure out these damn arrows and their confusing (to me) plus and minus labeling.
 From Jennifer Prah Ruger (2010) Health Capability Conceptualization and Operationalization Am J Public Health 100 p41-49 available from  SSRN   Extended slightly in  IM-791  so use of this is deprecated.

From Jennifer Prah Ruger (2010) Health Capability Conceptualization and Operationalization Am J Public Health 100 p41-49 available from SSRN  Extended slightly in IM-791 so use of this is deprecated.

 The diagram symbolizes the process and the patience required to fine-tune a product, similarly to adjusting a shower's temperature.      Inspired by Gene Bellinger's  Adjusting-the-Shower-SFD
The diagram symbolizes the process and the patience required to fine-tune a product, similarly to adjusting a shower's temperature.

Inspired by Gene Bellinger's Adjusting-the-Shower-SFD
 Model in support of an article being written about the relationship between investment and austerity. See  Version 2  See also: *  Inv vs Aust Sim [IM-2736]  *  Inv & Output 1 [IM-2740]  *  Inv & Output 2 [IM-2741]   @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

Model in support of an article being written about the relationship between investment and austerity. See Version 2

See also:
Inv vs Aust Sim [IM-2736]
Inv & Output 1 [IM-2740]
Inv & Output 2 [IM-2741]
 William T. Powers insight that animate behavior is the purposeful control of perception. Behavior exists to control perceptual signals; internal reference signals are purposes. Continual reorganization of ends and means in the face of obstacles is Learning.

William T. Powers insight that animate behavior is the purposeful control of perception. Behavior exists to control perceptual signals; internal reference signals are purposes. Continual reorganization of ends and means in the face of obstacles is Learning.

2 months ago
  Abstract  High altitude environments challenge the physiology of
mammals mainly due to hypoxic conditions. As a response to this, many mammals
show molecular adaptations e.g. by mutations in the genes encoding the hemoglobins.
This can result in an increase O2 affinity (and thereby a
leftshifted O
High altitude environments challenge the physiology of mammals mainly due to hypoxic conditions. As a response to this, many mammals show molecular adaptations e.g. by mutations in the genes encoding the hemoglobins. This can result in an increase O2 affinity (and thereby a leftshifted O2 dissociation curve) which will enhance the pulmonary loading of O2. However, the shift can also hamper the O2 unloading process to the metabolic tissue. To elucidate this trade-off between loading and unloading a numerical computer model was made in the program Insigt maker based on the organism, deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). The numerical solution was calculated by the Runge-Kutta method. A time step (dt) of 0.00001 was chosen, as the results were independent of dt at this value. This was tested by investigating the residual values of an interval of dt around 0.00001. The model showed how the trade-off is expressed at different altitudes and how the degree of advantages/disadvantages varies. Based on the model it can be suggested that the trade-off is beneficial, when the hypoxia is severe at high altitude. This is consistent with previously findings. 


 Limite ao crescimento é o arquétipo mais comum e gerador da conhecida curva "S". É um dos  arquétipos sistêmicos  citado na Quinta Disciplina de Peter Senge, na Série  Perspectivas Sistêmicas  de Gene Bellinger, No livro Pensamento Sistêmico - 25 Aplicações Práticas (João Gratuliano et al.) e em

Limite ao crescimento é o arquétipo mais comum e gerador da conhecida curva "S". É um dos arquétipos sistêmicos citado na Quinta Disciplina de Peter Senge, na Série Perspectivas Sistêmicas de Gene Bellinger, No livro Pensamento Sistêmico - 25 Aplicações Práticas (João Gratuliano et al.) e em muitas outras fontes. Original version in english Limits to Growth.

Questo modello ripercorre le dinamiche nella fiaba di  Esopo "Al lupo al lupo!" Utilizzato nei progetti "futuro nelle scuole"  http://www.skopia.it/it/scuola     da Gene Bellinger " The Boy Who Cried Wolf ."    This insight is an element of the  Insight Maker Overview  in  Systems KeLE .
Questo modello ripercorre le dinamiche nella fiaba di  Esopo "Al lupo al lupo!"
Utilizzato nei progetti "futuro nelle scuole"

da Gene Bellinger "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."

This insight is an element of the Insight Maker Overview in Systems KeLE.
This is a stock-flow consistent model, namely the simplest (SIM) model with government money.   Godley/Lavoie (2006), chapter 3    (I had to change the equation for consumption demand. Disposable income and wealth now enterwith a time lag of one period. Otherwise the model would be recursive and wou
This is a stock-flow consistent model, namely the simplest (SIM) model with government money.

Godley/Lavoie (2006), chapter 3

(I had to change the equation for consumption demand. Disposable income and wealth now enterwith a time lag of one period. Otherwise the model would be recursive and would not be solvable in Insight Maker. Thanks to Gene for support.)

designed by Dirk Ehnts, 
Bard College Berlin (blog)
Navigation to aspects of systems relevant to applying the methods to health care; adapted from John Barton's representation of a system slide
Navigation to aspects of systems relevant to applying the methods to health care; adapted from John Barton's representation of a system slide
5 months ago