From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
WIP example of Services oriented multiscale computable narrative synthesis focussed on Coping carefully with diabetes
WIP example of Services oriented multiscale computable narrative synthesis focussed on Coping carefully with diabetes
 Causal loop diagram based on Jack  Homer's  Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control See  IM-333  for simulation model and IM-641 for  Rich Picture CLD  
 System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62 

Causal loop diagram based on Jack  Homer's  Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control See IM-333 for simulation model and IM-641 for Rich Picture CLD

System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62


 Patients on Treatment represented as people in a swimming pool. Fast Switchers change costumes. Lapsed Users sit by the pool. Misdiagnosed people are in the wrong pool. Extended from  IM-305

Patients on Treatment represented as people in a swimming pool. Fast Switchers change costumes. Lapsed Users sit by the pool. Misdiagnosed people are in the wrong pool. Extended from IM-305

From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
 Linked concept version of Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model used as a scaffolding to start modeling managing the deteriorating patient.

Linked concept version of Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model used as a scaffolding to start modeling managing the deteriorating patient.

From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model. GP centric calibration by JPS at  IM-14117  See also  IM-3126  for Regional Health Service Use Context
See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model. GP centric calibration by JPS at IM-14117 See also IM-3126 for Regional Health Service Use Context
WIP Based on Sheldrick Implementation science 2016  article  A system dynamics model of clinical decision thresholds for
the detection of developmental-behavioral disorders. Vensim model modified to show patterns   
WIP Based on Sheldrick Implementation science 2016 article A system dynamics model of clinical decision thresholds for the detection of developmental-behavioral disorders. Vensim model modified to show patterns


From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
 WIP for Continuity of care ISO From  Wikipedia  Initial Insight Representation from ContSys  IM-4008  with split off  patient  and professional statecharts See  IM-2846  for Agent with infectious disease and  IM-6913  for ED Physician INteraction

WIP for Continuity of care ISO From Wikipedia Initial Insight Representation from ContSys

IM-4008 with split off patient and professional statecharts See IM-2846 for Agent with infectious disease and IM-6913 for ED Physician INteraction
 Hypertension Generic Patient Flow Causal Loop Diagram version of Insight 305

Hypertension Generic Patient Flow Causal Loop Diagram version of Insight 305

From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
 Hypertension Generic Patient Flow Causal Loop Diagram version of Insight 305

Hypertension Generic Patient Flow Causal Loop Diagram version of Insight 305

 Rich picture version of Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model, with the addition of clinical reasoning cycle concepts from T Levett-Jones et al Nurse Education Today 30 (2010) 515-520

Rich picture version of Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model, with the addition of clinical reasoning cycle concepts from T Levett-Jones et al Nurse Education Today 30 (2010) 515-520

Clone of Clone 4of IM 27348, of JPS IM-27150 of original JPS  IM-14117  See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
Clone of Clone 4of IM 27348, of JPS IM-27150 of original JPS IM-14117 See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
Test Sensitivity and Specificity see  ROC wikipedia  and Tom Fawcett's 2006  article  introduction to ROC Analysis, Can be linked to Brunswik Lens  IM-1401
Test Sensitivity and Specificity see ROC wikipedia and Tom Fawcett's 2006 article introduction to ROC Analysis, Can be linked to Brunswik Lens IM-1401