In this model, we look at "human resource" supply chains and how quickly and unpredictably an organization can enter long periods of being either overstaffed or understaffed.
In this model, we look at "human resource" supply chains and how quickly and unpredictably an organization can enter long periods of being either overstaffed or understaffed.
This model gives an insight in the Study Book sales of provides, besides of the B2C online business model, selling new books from suppliers to their customers, also a C2C online business model. This gives a customer the opportunity to sell their own books to other customers of Bol.c
This model gives an insight in the Study Book sales of provides, besides of the B2C online business model, selling new books from suppliers to their customers, also a C2C online business model. This gives a customer the opportunity to sell their own books to other customers of via's website, by simply filling in the ISBN of the book on their second hand book website. The consumer pays a (relatively small) fee to for each book sold successfully. The payment part is handled by, but the shipment has to be done by the customer (seller) itself. This model gives an insight of this process.
A causal loop diagram illustrating a subset of variables influencing business problems related to the transitioning of the Social Assistance Management System (SAMS) from initial production deployment to steady state.    Inherent in the diagram is a representation of two well-known system dynamics a
A causal loop diagram illustrating a subset of variables influencing business problems related to the transitioning of the Social Assistance Management System (SAMS) from initial production deployment to steady state.

Inherent in the diagram is a representation of two well-known system dynamics archetypes:

  • Shifting the Burden, represented in the interplay between the B1, B2, and R3 loops, and
  • Limits to Success, represented in the interplay between the B1 and R5 loops.
First test model of Insight Maker based on YouTube video.
First test model of Insight Maker based on YouTube video.
Demonstrate that the same diagram is appropriate whether the interest rate is positive or negative.   Video   @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
Demonstrate that the same diagram is appropriate whether the interest rate is positive or negative.
A simple budget planning system.  What additional complexities can you add?
A simple budget planning system.  What additional complexities can you add?
We are modeling future cash flows in the system consisting of three interacting parties, one of which secures deals between the two others which do not trust each other.
We are modeling future cash flows in the system consisting of three interacting parties, one of which secures deals between the two others which do not trust each other.
Given historic cash flows, we try to predict the future assuming the main relations between predictors are kept constant
Given historic cash flows, we try to predict the future assuming the main relations between predictors are kept constant
Practicing modelling by building a personal financial model.
Practicing modelling by building a personal financial model.
OVERSHOOT GROWTH GOES INTO TURBULENT CHAOTIC DESTRUCTION  The existing global capitalistic growth paradigm is totally flawed  The chaotic turbulence is the result of the concept of infinite bigness this has been the destructive influence on all empires and now shown up by Feigenbaum numbers and Dunb

The existing global capitalistic growth paradigm is totally flawed

The chaotic turbulence is the result of the concept of infinite bigness this has been the destructive influence on all empires and now shown up by Feigenbaum numbers and Dunbar numbers for neural netwoirks

See Guy Lakeman Bubble Theory for more details on keeping systems within finite limited size working capacity containers (villages communities)

Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
Simulation compares Bitcoin cloud mining opportunity ( to HODL. The model does not calculate with mining difficulty, pool's efficiency and changes in fees. Using monthly cloud fees as of the end of November 2017.  Used for m
Simulation compares Bitcoin cloud mining opportunity ( to HODL.
The model does not calculate with mining difficulty, pool's efficiency and changes in fees. Using monthly cloud fees as of the end of November 2017.
Used for mining calculations.

WIP replication of Khalid Saeed's draft paper presented by the Economics chapter of the SD Society in Sept 2019  youtube video
WIP replication of Khalid Saeed's draft paper presented by the Economics chapter of the SD Society in Sept 2019 youtube video
Modelagem Soft sobre o Conflito de Agência e Governança no Brasil. Atividade proposta em Teoria Geral dos Sistemas, ministrada pelo Prof. Antonio Carlos Zambon.    Integrantes:  - Edson da Costa Vitor Junior, 170086  - Gustavo Batistic Ribeiro, 174028  - Huanna Raquel do Nascimento, 174720  - Karen
Modelagem Soft sobre o Conflito de Agência e Governança no Brasil. Atividade proposta em Teoria Geral dos Sistemas, ministrada pelo Prof. Antonio Carlos Zambon.

- Edson da Costa Vitor Junior, 170086
- Gustavo Batistic Ribeiro, 174028
- Huanna Raquel do Nascimento, 174720
- Karen E. M. Rodrigues, 177493
- Leticia O. C. Tavares, 182047
- Matheus Baroni, 184378
 ​Dieses Modell soll aufzeigen, wie sich ein neues Produkt auf das Kundenverhalten auswirkt. Vorteil von Paketen für z.B. eine Bank ist es, dass die Kunden egal welche Produkte sie haben, immer gleich viel bezahlen und somit die Kosten einfacher Berechnet werden können.  Im Weiteren ist die Administ

​Dieses Modell soll aufzeigen, wie sich ein neues Produkt auf das Kundenverhalten auswirkt. Vorteil von Paketen für z.B. eine Bank ist es, dass die Kunden egal welche Produkte sie haben, immer gleich viel bezahlen und somit die Kosten einfacher Berechnet werden können.

Im Weiteren ist die Administration von einem standarisierten Paket einfacher und günstiger, als die Administration der einzelnen Produkte.

Im Modell kann berechnet werden, wie sich die Attraktivität des Paketes gegenüber den Einzelprodukten (in diesem einfachen Modell nur über den Preis definiert) auf das Wechselverhalten der Kunden auswirkt.

In this model, we look at "human resource" supply chains and how quickly and unpredictably an organization can enter long periods of being either overstaffed or understaffed.
In this model, we look at "human resource" supply chains and how quickly and unpredictably an organization can enter long periods of being either overstaffed or understaffed.
Monetary theory (MMT) has shown how modern monetary systems actually work. It
has shown  that governments that issue
their own currency, such as the US, can never run out of money or be forced to
default on debt issued in their own currency. It has also demonstrated that
government spending t
Modern Monetary theory (MMT) has shown how modern monetary systems actually work. It has shown  that governments that issue their own currency, such as the US, can never run out of money or be forced to default on debt issued in their own currency. It has also demonstrated that government spending to stimulate the economy is logical and that the resulting deficit is irrelevant - the government always has the monetary means to eliminate it. This directly contradicts neoliberal doctrine that wants to limit government spending and posits that deficits destabilize the economy. Neoliberalism often constitutes a 'worldview' and 'personal identity'. Those who hold such strong beliefs cannot be persuaded to abandon them using rational arguments and facts - psychological reasons usually impede it as research has shown. The worldwide dominance of the doctrine, vested interests and psychologically grounded opposition suffocate MMT and rational arguments showing its superiority are seemingly of no avail. 

 Důchodová kalkulačka po reformě, pro narozené mezi lety 1972 a 2005   Autor: Viktor Vojtko (     Verze je zatím určená k testování, průběžně ji aktualizuji a může obsahovat chyby.     Výsledky při základním nastavení představují vizi hnutí Starostové a nezávislí o tom, jak by se
Důchodová kalkulačka po reformě, pro narozené mezi lety 1972 a 2005
Autor: Viktor Vojtko (

Verze je zatím určená k testování, průběžně ji aktualizuji a může obsahovat chyby.

Výsledky při základním nastavení představují vizi hnutí Starostové a nezávislí o tom, jak by se do budoucna měly generovat příjmy v důchodu. Nejedná se tedy ani o investiční radu ani o garanci skutečných příjmů.
5 months ago