Simulating Hyperinflation for 3650 days.  If private bond holdings are going down and the government is running a big deficit then the central bank has to monetize bonds equal to the deficit plus the decrease in private bond holdings.  We don't show the details of the central bank buying bonds here,
Simulating Hyperinflation for 3650 days.

If private bond holdings are going down and the government is running a big deficit then the central bank has to monetize bonds equal to the deficit plus the decrease in private bond holdings.  We don't show the details of the central bank buying bonds here, just the net results.

See blog at for more on hyperinflation, including a hyperinflation FAQ.
Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
Nastiňuje vlivy financí a školních výsledků na školáka
 FORCED GROWTH GROWTH GOES INTO TURBULENT CHAOTIC DESTRUCTION     BEWARE pushing increased growth blows the system!    (governments are trying to push growth on already unstable systems !)  The existing global capitalistic growth paradigm is totally flawed  The chaotic turbulence is the result of th
 BEWARE pushing increased growth blows the system!
(governments are trying to push growth on already unstable systems !)

The existing global capitalistic growth paradigm is totally flawed

The chaotic turbulence is the result of the concept and flawed strategy of infinite bigness this has been the destructive influence on all empires and now shown up by Feigenbaum numbers and Dunbar numbers for neural netwoirks

See Guy Lakeman Bubble Theory for more details on keeping systems within finite limited size working capacity containers (villages communities)

Stock-flow consistent model with private debt provided by the financial sector. Growth in model is predicated on Business sector growth in the wage bill which is funded by internal finance if available, while the remainder is financed by credit, i.e., external finance (an exogenous variable in the m
Stock-flow consistent model with private debt provided by the financial sector. Growth in model is predicated on Business sector growth in the wage bill which is funded by internal finance if available, while the remainder is financed by credit, i.e., external finance (an exogenous variable in the model). Business equity is the difference of the Business's current account and business debt (i.e., capital account). Firms are passive in this model--they do not save and pass all revenue, and external financing, to households minus repayments on debt--which is an exogenous variable in the model.
last month
Model-SIM from chapter 3 of Wynn Godley and Marc Lavoie's  Monetary Economics.  Simplest model with government money that is also stock-flow consistent.
Model-SIM from chapter 3 of Wynn Godley and Marc Lavoie's Monetary Economics. Simplest model with government money that is also stock-flow consistent.
Simulating Hyperinflation for 3650 days.  If private bond holdings are going down and the government is running a big deficit then the central bank has to monetize bonds equal to the deficit plus the decrease in private bond holdings.  We don't show the details of the central bank buying bonds here,
Simulating Hyperinflation for 3650 days.

If private bond holdings are going down and the government is running a big deficit then the central bank has to monetize bonds equal to the deficit plus the decrease in private bond holdings.  We don't show the details of the central bank buying bonds here, just the net results.

See blog at for more on hyperinflation, including a hyperinflation FAQ.
Simple causal loop diagram of a compound interest savings account.
Simple causal loop diagram of a compound interest savings account.
A model of some of the most important KPIs in a startup's business model.
A model of some of the most important KPIs in a startup's business model.
6 7 months ago
A causal loop diagram illustrating a subset of variables influencing business problems related to transitioning and stabilization of MVS.    Inherent in the diagram is a representation of a well-known system dynamics archetype:  shifting the burden , represented in the interplay between the B1, B2,
A causal loop diagram illustrating a subset of variables influencing business problems related to transitioning and stabilization of MVS.

Inherent in the diagram is a representation of a well-known system dynamics archetype: shifting the burden, represented in the interplay between the B1, B2, and R3 loops.
Simulating Hyperinflation for 3650 days.  If private bond holdings are going down and the government is running a big deficit then the central bank has to monetize bonds equal to the deficit plus the decrease in private bond holdings.  We don't show the details of the central bank buying bonds here,
Simulating Hyperinflation for 3650 days.

If private bond holdings are going down and the government is running a big deficit then the central bank has to monetize bonds equal to the deficit plus the decrease in private bond holdings.  We don't show the details of the central bank buying bonds here, just the net results.

See blog at for more on hyperinflation, including a hyperinflation FAQ.
10 months ago
Extremely basic stock-flow diagram of compound interest with table and graph output in interest and savings development per year. Initial deposit, interest rate, yearly deposit and withdrawal can all be modified in Dutch.
Extremely basic stock-flow diagram of compound interest with table and graph output in interest and savings development per year. Initial deposit, interest rate, yearly deposit and withdrawal can all be modified in Dutch.
This is an insight about food-born pathogens and what factors are affected by it's outbreaks. This is a huge issue that is not very well-known. The pathogens in food has been increasing their resistance to antibiotics by mutations. Because we are generally using antibiotics more each day, the resist
This is an insight about food-born pathogens and what factors are affected by it's outbreaks. This is a huge issue that is not very well-known. The pathogens in food has been increasing their resistance to antibiotics by mutations. Because we are generally using antibiotics more each day, the resistance in these pathogens is growing more rapidly then it did before.
Very basic stock-flow diagram of simple interest with table and graph output in interest, bank account and savings development per year. Initial deposit, interest rate, yearly deposit and withdrawal, and initial balance bank account can all be modified.
Very basic stock-flow diagram of simple interest with table and graph output in interest, bank account and savings development per year. Initial deposit, interest rate, yearly deposit and withdrawal, and initial balance bank account can all be modified.